Chapter Ten

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•Chapter 10•
*Alexs POV*

I wake up to getting elbowed in my face. I instantly groan and snap my eyes open. A spread out Ethan is next to me, and partially on me. I shake him to try and wake him up.

"Ethan." I grumble.

"Not now, Alex." He whines, sounding half asleep.

"We gotta go." I shake him a little.

"I don't wanna go back to August." Ethan whines again.

I choke on my saliva. I begin coughing violently and sit up quickly. Ethan snaps his eyes open and looks at me.

"Are you okay?" He asks, a worried look on his face.

"Yeah yeah. I'm good. I'm fine." I cough out.


"Okay. Do you wanna start getting ready to go see Jules and mom?" He puts his head back down on the bed.

I groan and get out of bed, knowing I don't have a choice in the matter. I pick out some clothes and step into the bathroom, shutting the door behind me. I get undressed and start the water when the door begins to click open. My eyed dart around in panic, trying to find something to cover me. I grab the shampoo and conditioner and hold it over myself

Ethan walks in and his eyes widen at the sight of me, trailing downward.

"KNOCK PLEASE!" I scream.


I out the shampoo and conditioner back and then go to the door and lock it. No more intrusions please. When I hop into the shower, letting the warmth of the water envelope my body. I let out a sigh. As I begin doing normal shower things like putting shampoo in my hair, I recall last night. 

My father admitted to disowning me and leaving me to fend for myself. Why won't my mother just leave him? I finally directly told Ethan I'm a vampire. Ethan cuddled with me. 

A knock on the door brings me out of my thoughts. "Let's go asshat, we have places to be and people to see!" Ethans voice comes through the door.

I roll my eyes and quickly wash the conditioner out of my hair and rinsing my body off. 


"It's so nice to get out of the house and away from your father." My mom sighs from the backseat. 

I asked Ethan if my mother can come, assuming it'd be kind of us to get her out.

"Why has dad been so uptight?" I ask.

"He's stressed out. The information you told him... he's aware of but from people around here. He's been trying to protect Chandler, Alice, Astor and I." She sighs and looks out the window.

"Astor should not be with Alice and Chandler. Alice is a shitty mom and Astor is scared of her." I mumble.

"Take Astor with you." She looks at me with all seriousness.

"Mom, I can't take Astor. I don't know how to raise a child, I don't have the income and he's sixteen now." 

"He loves you, Alex." Ethan pipes in.

"He loves you too. Just because he loves someone, doesn't mean he should live with them." I look back at him.

"Alexander. We send you money, and Chandler would do the same. He has such a good paying job and is always away. He knows Astor doesn't like Alice. Chandler doesn't care for her either. He's just scared to get a divorce when they've already been together for so long. If you talk to Chandler, he'll likely let you have Astor." My mom gives me a small smile.

"I want to figure things out first. With the issues, you know." I look at her, knowingly. 

She nods, understanding what I mean.

I feel the car come to a stop and I notice we're at the park, where I met his mother. I unbuckle my seat belt and get out of the car, approaching Juliet and his mother.

"Hello Mrs. Ezell." I smile.

"Alexander, I've told you to call me Evelyn." She scolds but smiles and pulls me into a hug.

When she releases me, I look at Juliet. "Little Ezell." I smile wider.

"If you keep calling me that, I swear I will punch you." She rolls her eyes and gives me a small smile.

"When did you get braces child!" I lean down and left her up so we are eye level.

Juliet squirms. "Stop picking me up! I got them a week ago!" 

I put her down and pat her head. "They suit you, little Ezell."

She rolls her eyes before turning to Ethan and hugging him. I tune out after hearing an "I miss you" from one of them.

"Evelyn." My mom smiles.

"Esme." Ethans mom smiles back.

I watch as they hug. When did they become friends? What the heck?

"When did you two become friends?" I ask.

"Soon after the two of you left. I got Evelyns number at the restaurant and now we stay in contact. She's very helpful when dealing with your father." My mom smiles.

"You two being friends is dangerous." I roll my eyes.

My phone buzzes in my pocket so I pull it out, finding a text from Nadine.

**I'm so sorry that this is gonna turn out weird**


"Accidentally" ran into August. We're friends now. Invited me over for dinner. Will tell you how it goes. Hope Seattle is treating you well x

I sigh at my phone before replying.


Thank you for updating me, please be careful N. Seattle is interesting, lots to tell you (;

I smile and look away from my phone and make eye contact with Ethan.

"Who's that." He narrows his eyes at me and mumbles.

"Nadine." I lick my lips, feeling almost uncomfortable under his gaze.

"Of course it is." He sarcastically laughs.

"Stop being so mean E." Juliet pipes in, smacking her brothers arm.

"Yeah, you sound jealous sweetheart." Evelyn says, kind of quietly.

"I'm not jealous! I love August and I will marry him soon!" He yells in the middle of the park, gaining peoples attention.

"Right, that's why you said 'I don't want to go back to August' this morning." I yell back before walking off.

He's lying to himself and he's being a douche. I don't feel bad for what I said, I was being honest. He just needs to admit it to himself.


ACK okay I'm sorry its been two months. I planned on updating sooner, I even wrote most of a chapter. When I went back to finish it to publish it, it was gone. I got frustrated and left for a bit. I came back multiple times to work on it but I would get angry because I thought what I had written last time was so good and I just can't match that again. I'm sorry guys. Thank you for being patient.

On another note, I still have no idea if I should start publishing my other story.

Of topic question: What is your dream job?

Mine is a forensic psychologist! 


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