Chapter 11

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Last night was the hardest night and the best night of my life.

I have never experienced rage like I did when I looked at her skin. When I looked at what he had done to her. But I pushed it all behind, locking it away not wanting Lilly to think that I think any different of her.

So I had just loved her, I made love for the first time ever. I wanted her to feel as special as I think she is. I wanted her to feel safe, and loved, and cherished. She deserves at least that.

But now it's the morning after and Im still so angry that my body is basically vibrating in rage.

That son of a bitch will pay for what he did to her. I will kill him slowly for the scars that map her beautiful body.

She has cigarette burns that litter her skin like freckles, knife marks across her back, chest, and thighs. He signed his name across her heart like the fucking psychopath that he is.

No wonder she was terrified of being intimate with me, of having a physical relationship with anyone. No wonder she thought that I would turn her away.

She is so fucking brave, so strong. If I am being honest this has just made me love her more.

I'm messed up enough to find her strength hot, God knowing she has been through real shit and come out the other side. It makes me hard just thinking about it. She is a little warrior wether she knows it or not.

Holding her sleeping body tighter I press a kiss to her forehead before grabbing my phone. I send a text to the MC group message calling church for this afternoon. This fucker is as good as dead.

Pulling Lilly on top of my chest I close my eyes and decide to nap while she is still sleeping. She needs to rest she is up at the crack of dawn every morning at the bakery.

Waking up in Texas's arms is bliss. I have never felt so safe, so protected, and so loved. And the sex was WOW.

I had never had sex with anyone besides Red before and it was always lacking. He always made me feel like it was my fault and maybe it was. But all I know is sex with Texas is out of this world.

He kissed me in places I had never been kissed before and made me feel in places I have never felt before. I could totally get used to this.

It wasn't painful, there was no
With that thought I quickly try to roll out of his arms. I am not allowed to feel that way. I set very clear boundaries last night. But he won't let go.

"I didn't know you were the love em and leave em type Lilly." Texas grumbles as he pulls me tighter into his chest.

Whoops caught.

"I just need some space Texas." I weekly whimper hating myself a little more. Why can't I be the the love em and leave em type? I shouldn't want this, I shouldn't want his cuddles.

"Your not doing this Lilly. Your not going to rock my world one night and then slip away the next morning. You can't just use me for my body baby, im hurt!" He says in an exaggerated hurt voice so I know that he is playing.

"I rocked your world?" I can't help but ask feeling a grin tug on my lips.

"Damn right you did, and if I have my way we are going to have a repeat this morning!" He says as he starts to kiss and suck on my neck and his hand start squeezing my breast.

That feels soooo good. Maybe one more time won't hurt?

Or a third time in the shower.....

After he makes me coffee as I cook breakfast and I can not help but laugh.

"What's so funny honey?" He asks while handing me my cup of coffee.

"This." I say motioning around the room and to my coffee cup.

Seeing the confusion on his face I decided to clarify.

"I have never had this before God it belongs in a Norman Rockwell drawing! It's so normal. I used to look at his work and wish that I could have what he saw, what he created. The American dream. I literally used to cry as a child when I looked at the Thanksgiving peace. I just wanted it so bad. " I explain bashfully.

"I see so I'm guessing your family never really played house then?" He asks while moving me to the side so he could work on the eggs.

"Hmm no never! We never even spent holidays together! I was always with a nanny who was upset that she couldn't be with her own family while my parents where at parties! I have never done the turkey, or pies thing or the santa thing or any of the other things that most kids do... What about you?" I ask.

"That's sad Lilly I'm sorry to hear that. We will have to make up for lost time and make sure Zaylee has that. But yeah I had all of those things. My Mom was really into the holidays and making memories. We made the cookies, and did the pictures, and had the turkey, and pie. She really loved all of us my Dad, Me and Kelsey I mean. It was a picture perfect childhood until she passed when I was 17." He admits.

My heart hurts for Texas it was hard for me to lose my Dad who really did not give two shits about me I could not imagine losing a mother who really loved you. Placing my hand on his arm I apologise.

"That must have been hard." I try to sympathize.

"Yeah I joined the army the next year I just couldn't deal with it." He admits while he puts all of our food on plates.

Taking my hand he sits beside me at my dining room table and we eat in silence.

"So I have a meeting to go to after this but I would like to see you later if that's okay with you?" He asks in the sweetest voice.

"Yeah I think I would like that." I admit with a blush before he gives me the sweetest kiss.

"Okay baby I'll see you later. Have a good day and text me if you need anything." He says before leaving.

Oh Lord I am in trouble.

Okay y'all comment and vote to let me know how you feel about this chapter!

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