Chapter 24

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Walking into the birthing center I feel the heavyweight of dread in my gut. What if something is wrong I mean my feet are huge and my legs are not far behind.

Sitting in the lobby crammed in a bench seat with Texas I am a wreck. I fidget as we wait for the nurse to call my name signaling my turn.

"Relax baby, Zaylee still has 9 more weeks to cook. I'm sure they will just tell you to put your feet up. You work too damn hard." Texas says while rubbing my belly soothingly.

Sighing I lean my head against his shoulder. Having him here and close to me helps a little but not enough. Why are they taking so long I wonder.

"Where did the name Zaylee come from?" Texas asks interrupting my anxious thoughts.

"I had a nanny from Australia, Ms. Amelia. She worked for our family for 4 years. I really loved her and I thought she loved me but she of course like all the others. Anyway when I was little she used to call me her "Beautiful Little Zaylee" meaning beautiful little flower in her native tongue. It always made me feel special so I always knew if I had a daughter I would name her Zaylee Amelia." I say turning my head to look up at him with a bright smile. As much as Ms. Amelia leaving me hurt my memories with her were all perfect. She was truly the mother I never had.

"You are so perfect, and I would love to kick everyones ass who ever left you." Texas grumbles as he pulls me closer and presses a kiss into my hair. I relax into him letting his warmth comfort me.

"Lilly." A heavy set nurse calls from the door.

I raise my hand to get her attention as Texas helps me up.

"Oh dear stay seated let me get you a wheelchair. You poor thing your HUGE!" The nurse says before turning away.

Grimacing I look at Texas who is trying not to laugh at me. Great now I'm huge everywhere! I poke my lip out at him only getting a burst of laughter in response.

Sighing I lean my head back and close my eyes. I just wish today would be over with! Texas presses a kiss to the side of my head when the nurse brings the chair in.

"Don't worry I still think you're beautiful." He sweetly murmurs to me before helping me into the chair.

"Easy for you to say, your legs don't look like the michelin mans, and your belly is still flat." I gripe as I sit down. Texas once again laughs a little too loudly to be in a waiting room, but I can't help but crack a smile. Lord knows I love this man.

Taking me back they weigh me and we see that I've gained almost 20 lbs in a week. I think I must have looked ready to fall over because the nurse reassures me that she thinks it's all fluid.

She keeps looking at my legs with pity. Taking my blood pressure she triple checks it because it's so high and she quickly gets a blood sample.

"Oh dear this really does not look good. It's a good thing you came in today! Are you feeling warm, has your heart been racing, have you felt the baby kick recently?" She asks with concern making my heart race.

"No I haven't really felt her since last night we were laying in bed. Is that a problem?" I feel my anxiety double. She normally only kicks at night when I'm laying still so I hadn't really thought that it was a problem or really anything of it at all. What if I hurt my baby by accident?

"Probably not but we're going to hook you up to a stress test just to check it out" she says as she starts to wheel me towards a private room.

Once in the room she hooks me to several monitors that I've never seen before. Leaving me with a couple of snacks and a glass of water Texas and I quietly watch the machine. He is holding my hand and staring at it just like me. I think that we are both too anxious to talk as we wait for the doctor.

When the doctor walks in she quickly sanitize their hands before addressing me I've never met this one before. I normally have Dr. Flores who I love.

"Hello Lilly! it's so nice to meet you my name is Dr. Jean. I've been reading over your charts and watching the stress test from my office. I know it can be worrisome to not have your doctor but Dr. Flores is out of town this week. But I can assure you I have contacted her and she has brought me up to date on your pregnancy! Are you okay with me taking over your care from here?" She asks nicely.

Her asking and knowing that she has talked to my doctor puts me at ease and I nod my head giving her permission.

"That's great! Now I see that you are having some contractions that are fairly consistent can you rate your pain for me?" She asks while moving the monitors to feel my belly with her hand.

"This morning I woke up and I was at a four probably but since we got here and I've been moving around I think I'm probably at a 7." I stay with a wince as another contraction hits.

"But my water hasn't broke so they're just Braxton Hicks contractions."

"That's not true your water doesn't have to break to have real contractions and it looks like you are having real contractions." She says with a bright smile.

"Do you mind if I check your cervix to see if you are dilated?" She asks.

"No that's fine." I say.

"Okay well Daddy you are going to need to go stand at her head so I have some room." The doctor says addressing Texas. Neither of us correct her which I kind of feel awkward about.

Looking up at Texas instead of at the doctor who has her head in between my legs. I take deep breaths when her fingers enter me. It's incredibly uncomfortable.

Texas just smiles at me and strokes my hair I think he knows I am in pain.

"Okay well it looks like you are at a 4!" The doctor says when she comes back up.

"Oh my God what does that mean?!? She is early I am only 31 weeks pregnant!" I say completely panicking now. Looking over at Texas I can see he feels the same way. He's literally staring at the doctor like she has two heads. During any other circumstance I would have laughed at him but I'm too freaked out right now.

"Relax Lily at 31 weeks you have a 95% chance of having a successful birth and a healthy baby. Those are amazing odds, I am not worried! Your blood work came back and it looks like you have preeclampsia so even if you weren't having contractions I probably would have suggested inducing you anyway." She says with a happy smile as if nothing is wrong.

"So what does that mean, what are we going to do?" Texas asks taking charge because I think he can tell that I am too worked up to ask anything.

"Well we are going to give Lily a shot that's a steroid for the baby to help her lungs completely develop. After that we are just going to watch and see what happens and if she doesn't progress in the next couple of hours I'll start pitocin to help her continue to progress. But it looks like in the next 24 hours you guys will be holding a little baby girl!"

Holly shit.

Hey guys sorry that I am a day late I have a very sick baby at home with me 😷 So send up a prayer that my husband and I stay healthy now that our baby is on the mind! We are also now at 4,000 reads and I am pumped!!!! Whoot whoot thank you to everyone who has been reading, voting, and messaging me! You guys are so sweet, encouraging, and thoughtful!

Also please comment with your favorite story that you're reading right now (that is not one of my stories!) I have been sitting around a lot rocking a sick baby and I'm officially out of stories to read so I need some new fresh distractions 😂

This is definitely the longest authors note ever and I applaud anyone who actually read it!

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