Chapter 15

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"How far along are you?" The doctor asks as he walks in to observe the ultrasound. The tec starts moving the machine back and forth against her belly.

"I just hit 25 weeks today." She admits, I can hear how nervous she is in her voice. Her eyes have not left the little screen that has been black with slight grey blurs. Suddenly the screen clears and you can see a little baby.

I'm not sure why but it did not feel real until that moment. I have obviously known she was pregnant since I met her but seeing the baby, seeing it actually move within her. It's a total mind fuck. I think I have stopped breathing all together. A weird noice feels the room and Lilly is beaming.

"Well that is a perfectly healthy baby! Look how active she is! And what a strong heart beat!" The doctor says as we watch the baby move back and forth.

"Holy shit look at it move!" I say staring from the screen to her belly. I am half expecting to see her belly shift with it, but nothing.

Lilly and the tec both laugh at me as they continue to watch the baby from different angels. She really is active which the doctor says is a great thing!

"The stress test is showing that you are having contractions, how are you feeling?" He asks while the tec starts cleaning the gunk off of Lilly's belly.

"They are only Braxton Hicks so I am still feel good. I have been having them for a while." Lilly assures him as she takes the photo from the tec.

"Okay, well I will send the nurse in here to discharge you. You will probably be sore for the next couple of days but you and your baby are completely healthy! " The doctor says with a bright smile on his face.

I can literally feel Lilly's body relax into me at the doctor's words. Thank fuck all is now good in our world again.

I drive Lilly's car home while she sits in the passenger seat. Gear drove my car back to Lillys while we finished up at the hospital. Kelsey promised to visit Lilly in the morning after we basically had to kick her out with Gear.

"Want to tell me what happened tonight?" I ask breaking the silence.

"Not really." She grumbles.

"Well I need you to tell me anyway." I try and hide my frustration I wish she would just open up. God I sound like a little bitch!

After a couple of minutes I think she is just going to ignore my question before she finally answers.

"His name is Snake, and he did business with my ex." She says in a small voice.

"Gonna tell me his name yet Love?" I really want her to tell me herself before I admit that I already know.

Sighing several more minutes pass as she thinks this over.

"His name is Red. He is a gang leader in Pennsylvania. I met him when I worked at a bakery in New York. I had no idea that he was in a gang or anything like that. If I am being honest I didn't really know him at all before moving in with him. Anyway Snake used to come to the house sometimes for business meetings. I think he sales drugs but I'm not sure. I always tried to ignore the men he would bring in so they would ignore me. Drawing attention to myself always ended badly." She says in a small voice.

Fuck what had they done to her? I know Snake and he is one bad mother fucker but I have never known him to hit a woman. If anything he is a family man as messed up as that is.

"I know of both of them." I decide to admit.

"I thought you might." She says in a bitter voice that makes me feel small. I do not want to be associated with those Ass holes and I do not want her to think I'm like them but I guess I am. For the first time I am ashamed of my gun running.

"I was leaving the store and Snake saw me. I honestly thought he was just going to say hello because he had always been nice to me. But I guess Red owes him a lot of money because Snake attacked me. He was really sorry though when he found out I wasn't with Red anymore. He even gave me money to pay for my broken glasses." She says as if that makes it all okay. Fuck that Snake and I will be having a long talk when I get back.

"Can I stay over tonight? I just want to hold you after today." I admit not taking my eye off if the road and trying to change the subject. The topic obviously makes her uncomfortable and she does not need to know about my plans to handle the situation it would just make everything worse.

"Yeah I would like that. I'm not sure I am ready to be alone yet." She says while leaning her head on my shoulder. She has been doing that since the hospital, touching me on her own. I love it.

"Good, because I'm not sure what I would have done if you had said no." I laugh. If I'm being honest I probably would've slept in my car by her house just in case she needed me.

I'm not sure how I am going to leave her for the next two weeks to take out Red. If it wasn't so personal I would probably just let the boys handle it but this is my girl. So I will be the one to pull the trigger. This death will be on me, no one else.

"I like that you want to be near me. No one has ever really wanted to be around me without expecting something from me in return. You like to be around me but it's not because you need me, it's just because you like me." She says in that vulnerable voice that makes me want to give her the world.

"Everyone else was idiots Lilly but their loss is my gain. I am so happy you stumbled into my little podunk town. Without you my life was so lacking. I never had anyone who could hold my attention like you. Your a fucking breath of fresh air." I say while pulling her hand into my own and kissing her knuckles.

"Don't talk about the town like that it's my Haven, I love it and the people in it." She chastises.

"Mhmm. Well I like it a lot better with you in it." We listen to the radio for the rest of the trip and I wonder how I am going to tell her about leaving tomorrow.

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I will not be updating tomorrow  I am taking a day just to write so I can keep up with my book goals ❤️

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