Chapter 25

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I feel like I might be sick. My hands are clammy and shaking, I have sweat dripping down my back and my vision might be a little spotty.

Fuck me I wish someone would just hold a gun to my head. That I can deal with He'll it might even clear my head. For the first time in a long time I am scared shitliss. Shoving my shaking hands in my pocket I walk from behind Lilly's head to he front.

Looking over at Lily I can tell she feels the same way. Her face is as white as a sheet and her hands are lightly shaking as she runs them over her belly above the monitor.

I want to say something but every time I have tried to open my mouth since walking in here nothing has come out. I am a fucking moron.

The hefty little nurse walks back in and hooks Lilly up to an IV. She tells her that they would normally have her walking around but they wanted her to stay in bed until her blood pressure drops.

"Is she going to be okay?" I croak when I look at the nurse. This all seems so serious.

"The baby will be just fine!" She says with a bright smile.

"I know that damnit that's all we have talked about! Is Lilly going to be okay?" Why am I the only one who ever cares about my girl?

"Oh honey she is going to be just fine! We have women with preeclampsia come in all of the time and they handle it just like troopers! Now Lilly I have some questions for you." She says looking over at her with a another bright smile.

Leaning over to Lilly I tell the nurse to give us a minute.

"Are you okay?" I ask putting my forehead against hers.

"I'm scared I'm going to lose her. Why can't anything ever be easy?" She asks with glassy eyes that break my heart.

"Because nothing that's easy is worth having." She sighs closing her eyes before nodding her head.

"I'm going to step out and call Kelsey is there anything I need to tell her?" I ask pulling back.

"Yeah ask her to grab my hospital bag it has all of Zaylees things in it. And ask her to grab my phone charger, the camera we bought, and to throw a couple of changes of clothes for me in the bag as well." She says with a small smile. I can tell she is trying to be brave because that's just who she is.

Leaning down I give her a passionate kiss that she moans and sinks into. Fuck I would take her right now if I could. I'm hard as a rock. This woman will be the death of me. Pulling back I adjust myself earning me a small laugh from my angel.

"Not funny baby you will be taking care of that as soon as we leave." I promise with a smirk.

"No can do Texas no sex for several months after pushing a baby out. I have to have time to heal." She smiles triumphantly.

"Fuck." I grumble as I walk out the door.

The nurse has a million questions that all seem silly but she insists that they are important. She has even gone as far as ask me when I last had sex! I thought I was going to die of embarrassment when I admitted it was over a month ago.

"Oh come on honey that can't be true when you have that big man swooning over you!" She says like she is one of my girlfriend's. I feel my face heat up even more.

"Nope she's right I have been out of town." Texas casually says when he walks back into the room. Someone kill me now!

"Can we be finished?" I ask wishing someone would save me.

"One last question are you going to want any pain medication?"

I say no right when Texas says yes. Looking over at him in sunrise he is looking at me like I'm crazy. The nurse just laughs, Lord I wish she would just disappear.

"I don't want you to be in pain baby they have the medication so you don't have to be."

"The pain is only temporary and can sometimes last longer after an epidural. I could have back pain for years after. I can't afford to risk that while running the bakery." I say stubbornly.

"No pain medication no matter what I say later." I tell the nurse who gives me a thumbs up.

"Okay then I'll just leave you two to get comfortable."

When the nurse walks out the door Texas is in front of me in seconds.

"Are you sure that's a good idea I know your strong but baby there is no reason for you to tough this one out. I don't want to see you hurting." He says cupping my face.

"I'll be fine. My Mother had an epidural and she was still complaining about back pain when I moved away at 18. I would rather just suffer for a couple of hours. Are you sure you want to be here?" I ask. Birth can be pretty disgusting from what I have saw on YouTube and there is no reason he should have to see it.

"You bet your pretty ass I do."

"Have you ever witnessed birth?"

"No but I'm not leaving you." He says stubbornly pushing his chest out.

"Hmm okay." Taking my phone I pull up the most horrific birthing video I can find and hand it to Texas.

"Watch this first and then make your choice." I say with a slight smirk that only grows as he becomes whiter and whiter as he watches the video. By the end of it he is softly swearing.

"You still want to be in the room Big Boy?"

"Yeah I'm not going to leave you in a room full of fucking strangers when you go through THAT! That's some intense stuff are you sure you don't want the meds?" He asks again looking like he might just puke.

"I'm sure." I say with a smirk because I am. I have had months to mentally prepare for the pain that will come today. I've got this although I'm not entirely sure that my big bad biker does.

"Okay last question and don't think this will make me change my mind but is it normal to shit yourself?" He asks not sounding as sure as he was before.

Comment and vote to let me know if you enjoyed! ALSO WE ARE NOW #3 FOR MC!!!!!! 💃💃💃💃💃💃💃 Thank you for taking the time to read my story everyone! Also I spent some time doing some small edits and adding some more content to some previous chapters yesterday. Nothing that would change the story but you can go back and re-read if you want!

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