Part 20

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Jin: The girlfriend

"Hi," I heard a soft greeting, and I turned away from the stove to look at a very exhausted-looking Namjoon.

I hummed in response, hesitantly turning the egg omelet around, praying he will take that as a sign I'm in a bad mood and leave. But he didn't, of course, as clumsy as he was.

"Need help?" he asked, now awfully close to me, but what scared me the most was that he was awfully close to the cooking stove too.

I quickly shook my head.

"Then," he said and lazily wrapped his hands around me, "need a distraction?"

I widened my eyes, shoving him away completely but he came back like a boomerang. I just ignored the way my heart skipped a few beats every time our skins brushed together.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I sighed even though I knew exactly what was going on.

We've been doing this for quite some time now, I think ever since that stupid Truth or dare we played. It started off really simple, staring at each other's lips and wondering ...

What is it? Why did I kiss that? And why do I suddenly want to kiss it again?

The longer we stayed together, the harder it was to resist. So it ended in a few make-out sessions in the studio's janitor closet, a few make-out sessions in the bathroom and a few more make-out sessions on the dining table. Of course, it would've been easy if ...


We were gay and Namjoon didn't have a freaking girlfriend.

This way it was sick - how we acted, how we sometimes sneaked out of practice just to steal a few pecks, how he attracted me so damn much I wanted to choke him. I could accept it if only we were fuckbuddies, but we didn't even go farther than kissing. A lot of kissing, at least.

I pushed his head away: "Get off, dumbass. Someone might see us."

I turned back to my late dinner, waiting for him to leave the room finally, but he reattached himself back to me, leaving butterfly kisses on my bare neck. I sighed in annoyance and also in delight.

"Namjoon ..." I warned him but gave him more access anyways ... because, well - a few innocent kisses couldn't hurt.

"Hm," he hummed against my skin, busy grabbing at my sides and cheeks and hair.


I mentally slapped myself for stuttering.

"Do you want me to?"

I stilled and let him shower me with attention, my heart totally not racing like after 4937 hours of dance practice.

"N-no, but-"

"Then we should keep doing it."

His hands slipped under my loose pink shirt, fitting in the curve of my hip bones perfectly and I shivered from the coldness of his fingers running up and down my body. He chuckled at my surrender and I wanted to tell him to shut the frick up, but he sucked on my sweet spot harshly, making me lose my breath.

He was so hot - wearing tight black jeans cut on the knees and a sleeveless black shirt, his blonde hair parted sexily, exposing the way his beautiful eyes glistened with lust and ... and something else. He grabbed the back of my thighs, lifting me up on the table effortlessly just like yesterday, and the day before and the day before that. I was starting to believe that there will soon be a hole in the shape of my ass on the spot we always made out, but I sure wouldn't mind.

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