Chapter 7: Wave Mission Part 2

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Team 7 is in the dining room eating breakfast.

"Sensei. What are gonna teach us today?" Sakura asked

"Tree climbing with chakra. We're outside after breakfast." Kakashi said then back into his perverted book


"Ok, climb this tree without using your hands." Kakashi said eye smiling at them

"WHAT. HOW ARE WE SUPPOSED TO DO THAT." Sakura yelled Kakashi

"Apply chakra to feet your and walk up the tree. Keep going until you use the perfect amount chakra, so in the future you'll be unconsciously using a little amount of chakra and not use any chakra." Kakashi said

Sasuke and Sakura were trying it out and were having trouble.

Naruto and Naruko instantly knew how to do it.

"Thats unfair. They dad is the Hokage. He taught them before hand." Sakura wined

"Sorry." Naruko said smiling at Sakura.

"The Hokage never taught anything." Naruto said and continued climbing

"Who would want to teach a demon." Sakura said angrily

A stick then hit Sakura in the head and fell down. She looked up to see an angry Naruko.

"Quit calling him that word." Naruko growled

Sakura was scared of Naruko so she stopped and headed back to the house.

Sasuke quickly got the hang of it and decided to challenge the twins.

"Lets do a challenge. Who ever stays at the very top of the tree the longest gets the losers dessert." Sasuke said grinning

Naruto and Naruko agreed.


"They've been out there for a long time." Sakura worried

"They'll be fine Sakura." Kakashi said looking at his book

The door opens. They all turned there head to see Naruto with a smile carrying Sasuke. Naruko with a big grin.

"I guess Naruko won." Kakashi guessed

The 3 nodded and sat down for dinner.

"Why are you still smiling Naruto?" Kakashi asked

"My branch broke first. So I threw a knife with a paper bomb and blew up Sasukes branch. Thats why Naruko won." Naruto said glee

Sasuke smacked Naruto in the back of his head out of frustration.

Inari then smacked the table. A kid with black hair and overalls.

"You make me sick. Making joke of what you did. You ninja know all of this cool stuff and act like there's nothing to worry about. None of you know what its like suffer." Inari said crying

Naruto then threw a knife right by Inari's head and hitting a wall behind him.

"You have no idea what your talking about. I've been threw hell in my village. I have been beatin and tortured by villagers I fight to protect. My dad is the Hokage and he doesn't beleive what the villagers do to me. Mt mother slaps me because she thinks I lie about the villagers. Everyone I ever attemped to talk at academy just ignored me and called me demon. Those two over there call me a demon and they're my teammates." Naruto said seriously.

Naruto then took off his hoodie and lifted his shirt to reveal scar from the right bicep to his left hip.

"A villager did this to me." Naruto said

Naruto then turned around to reveal his back which had the japanese symbol of demon tattooed on his back.

"A group of ninja held me down while a villager tattooed this on my back." Naruto said angrily

Naruto then got up and picked up Inari by his shirt. Naruto then looked at him with red eyes with black slits and had fangs.

"Now tell me little boy. Do you think I've suffered or not?" Naruto asked

Inari said nothing

"ANSWER ME." Naruto demanded

"Naruto thats enough." Kakashi stepped in

Naruto dropped the boy, put his hoodie on and pulled the hood over his head and left the house.

Naruto was outside trying to calm down. But couldn't because every bad memory was flooding his mind.

Naruto then sat down up against a tree and took a deep breathe. He then heard footsteps. He turned his head to see a fox. The fox came up to him and layed down next to him.

Naruto then calmed down.

Naruko watched the whole thing and was about to cry.

"I'm so sorry Naruto."

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