Chapter 22: Council Meeting

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Today is the Council Meeting. Today I will find some answers.

Naruto was walking threw the village not wanting to talk to anyone. Some of his friends said waved at him but he didn't pay them any attention. He really wanted to find out why council would order ANBU to kill there own ninja.

Naruto was hanging on the ceiling in the council room. He was hiding his chakra to where no one would detect him and used a genjutsu to make it to where no one could see him. 

Naruto was waiting there for 30 minutes until the council to enter the room. Homaru, Koharu, and Danzo entered the room but the Hokage didn't.

"The Hokage isn't here yet. Good, now let's discuss the plan." Danzo said with no emotion

"Very well, proceed." Homaru said 

"Ok then, we will order all Chuunin except the recently new appointed Chuunin and a quarter of the Jonin to go on false mission. Then I will order all ANBU apart my foundation to assassinate them all." Danzo said with no care in the world.

"And when they are all dead, it will save us on money so we don't have keep paying ninja while we at not at war with any nation." Homaru added

"They are ordering the death of there ninja that die for there village. All of this so they can save up on money." Naruto thought with a pissed off look on his face.

"This will also encourage ninja to join ANBU and we will have more skilled ninja to defend the village." Danzo said

"This will allow us to be the richest and strongest village." Homaru stated

Right after she said that Minato teleported into the room.

"Let's begin this meeting. As you all know we losing ninja without any explanation." Minato stated

They all nodded there heads.

Naruto was shocked that his dad didn't know who was behind this.

*Fast Forward to the end of the meeting*

"Ok, that is all we needed to talk about. Dismissed." Minato said while teleporting away.

"When will we execute this plan?" Koharu asked Danzo

"3 weeks." Danzo said while leaving the building.

Naruto exited the building without being traced and ran to his training ground. Naruto wanted destroy something he was so mad. How could the council be so corrupted to the point of where they wanted to kill there own ninja. Naruto was furiously punching a tree out of pure anger. After everything the shinobi of this village has done for them. They're just gonna kill them like there trash. 

"I should've told him when I first saw ANBU killing shinobi." Naruto regretted. 

"I tell him tomorrow." Naruto concluded outloud and went back home.

*Next Morning*

Naruto exited the house and began walking to the Hokage tower. While he was walking he noticed all the villagers headed to the gate. 

Naruto hurried to a group a villagers to see what was going on. 

"Hey, whats going on?" Naruto questioned

"A shinobi and with a big dog has been found half-dead outside Konoha. He is being taken to the hospital." 

"Ninja and a big dog, that's Kiba. He's teamed with..." with that thought he sprinted to the hospital.

"I swear if what I think happened, happened. They will pay." 


Naruto didn't bother walking into the building. He just sniffed the air and knew exactly where he was. So he just climbed threw a window. 

When he entered the room he saw Tsunade, Shizune, Kurenai, and Minato in the room waiting for him to wake up.

"What happened." Naruto ordered

"Kiba just walked into the village all bloody and fell down unconscious in front of all the villagers." Minato told Naruto

"Where is the rest of his team." Naruto asked moving closer to Minato

"I don't know. He was the who walked into the village. I sent some ninja out to see if the rest of his team is out there. They haven't come back." Minato said everything he knew

Naruto looked at Kiba and started clenching his fist. Everyone in the room noticed this and knew exactly what Naruto was thinking. He thinking about Hinata, he is worried if she's dead.

They waited there for 30 minutes, until Kiba started coughing.

Tsunade and Shizune instantly ran to him and started treating and asking him questions.

"Kiba are you ok?" Tsunade asked

*cough, cough* "No I'm not." Kiba said with blood on his mouth

"What happened to you?" Shizune asked

"Me and Shino were waiting for Hinata to come back, because she said she saw something and wanted to check it out. We waited there for 10 minutes until we saw paper bomb explosion in the air and instantly ran there. When we got there we saw *cough, cough, cough, cough, cough* Hinata *cough, cough, cough, cough* lying on the ground dead, with a man in front her." Kiba finished while coughing out more and more blood. 

All of the medical equipment started crazy. Kiba was about to die, but Naruto going to let him until he told who killed Hinata.

"Kiba, who did killed her?" Naruto asked desperately

"Shino was also killed by the man. I barely made it out alive." Kiba said while coughing out even blood.

"Who did it?" Naruto demanded

"It was a..."

There was a loud ringing sound indicating that Kiba had died.

"a. A. ANBU." Naruto thought with hate filling his mind

(What Kiba was trying to say before he died was, "It was a masked man, named Madara Uchiha.")

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