Im not at home anymore

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"Lennon! Hurry up!" Hunter had already put her shoes back on and was on the escalator.

I hopped up and down trying to put my shoe back on without sitting down. I grabbed my luggage and my phone and ran up the escalators to Hunter. The line ended up taking up over an hour and our flight was leaving in 5 minutes. We got up the escalators and ran towards the end of the hall was were gate 12 was waiting for us. We got there just in time to hear,

"Last call for passengers boarding flight 124 to Mullinger, Ireland, repeating Last call to Mullinger, Ireland!" Just as that was ending we had ran up to the counter, and i was patting my self down to find the tickets. I started to panick. "Lennon did you seriously lose the tickets?!?" She stared at me with the same death glare she always gave me.

"No, No, I-I put them in my pocket when we went throught security! Oh wait!" I grabbed my jacket and stuck my hand in the pocket and found a familiar peice of paper and yanked it out.

"Here they are!" I sighed and handed them to the flight attendent that had been standing there patiently.

" Just in time." She smiled at us and gave the tickets back.

Hunter started to walk down the hallway to the airplane. I grabbed my bag and followed her in. At the doorr to the plane the Capptain was waiting there.

"Nice to meet ya! Im the captain of this here ship and ill get ya safe to ireland right away!" He stuck out his hand to be shook and Hunter just walked into the plane. I took his hand and shook it being polite.

"Im Lennon." I let go of his hand and started to follow where Hunter went.

"Nice to meet ya Lennon!" The captain hollered after me as i walked past him.

I saw Hunter trying to push her luggage into the over hand capartments.

"Darn stupid bag FIT!" she gave it one more big push and the bag shot into the cabin. She sighed and sat next to the window and pulled out her phone.

"You know you cant have that out the whole time."

"What?!?" She shot her head up and gave me a frightning look.

"Do you want the plane to crash?" I put my bags next to Hunters which slided in with ease unlike Hunters.

I heard the beeping of Hunters phone being turned off and i smiled to myself. It was always so fun to mess with her. I sat down next to her and put my seatbelt on.The flight attendent came out and started talking and telling us how to put the seatbelts on. Then she said that our seats could be used as.a floatation device. I smiled at that and looked at Hunter. She was gribbing the handles of the seat so tight you could see the whites of her knuckles.

"Were not crashing.. yet. You can let go." I giggled.but the death glare shot back at me. Whatever, i thought, i was just really tired. I crossed my legs on the seat and pulled down the table. I sat my head down just to take a little nap and thats what i did. Bbefore i knew it i was sleeping like a baby.


" Lennon wake up! Were going down! Oh god Lennon were crashing! Were gunna die!"

I shot up and looked around really fast. Noone was freaking out or anything.

"HUNTER! Did you really have to wake me up like that!?" I throught my hands up and sat up and glared at her.

"Hey, were landing in 5 minutes aand you were asleep and i couldnt pass the opportunity for revenge! " she giggled at me and buckled back up.

"Whatever." I fixed my hair since it had gone five different directions since i was sleeping.

"Everyone buckle up, we are landing." The intercom wwnt off with the sound of the captain speaking.

We felt a little jerk amd we were on the ground. The plane stopped and we were ushered off the plane. The flight attendent was wishing evryone a good trip. We made it out off the plane and it felt like i got back off in Springfield, there were seats and escolators and always the people who were running to get to their flight. "I am soo ready to go to the Hotel and get change." Hunter sighed and we grabbed our luggage and went down the escoltor. We got to the lobby and Hunter kept grunting.

"What in the world is wrong with you?" I stopped and looked at her. She grabbed her back and dropped her luggage.

"The bag is so heavy! Its hurting my back!" She didnt look to happy, i sighed amd grabbed her bag.

"Oh my gosh, you are a whiny baby!" I laughed and walked out the door. I looked back as i did.

"You need to go to the gy.." i turned my head and saw where i was going.

"Oh." Hunter came up next to where i stopped. She laughed at me,

"You know you need to go places more often there are places that are gorgeous you know!"

Whatever she said I didnt care i just knew I was not home anymore.

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