Weird Feeling

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I opened my eyes and the bright light stung them and i immediatly shut them again. This time i took my time opening them. Once they were adjusted i looked around and saw that i was laying in a bed, well a hospital bed to be exact. I started to sit up but my head had a stabbing pain in the back and my body gave up and dropped back down to the bed. I groaned and pulled my hand on top of my head.

" The doctor said that your head would hurt for awhile and to stay laying down "

I looked over and saw the blonde hair guy sitting on the couch next to the wall, oh i dont remember his name, actually i dont remebered what happened. I blinked and looked back up at the ceiling.

" What happened? "

"Oh, uh you dont remember?" He sounded concered but i didnt really pay attention. I shook my head and looked at the door. Where was Hunter?

"Well i ran into you and we fell and you hit your head on the ground pretty hard." I looked back over at him and he stood up. He was wearing a polo and some sweat pants. His hair was spiked up and he had circles under his eyes. He looks really tired.

" Have i been out long?"

He walked a little closer, he gave a little laugh that sounded more like an exausting sigh.

" About 2 days"


"Oh my god Really?" She looked terrified. She looked up at me and squinted.

"Wheres Hunter?" She started to sit up but i wasnt going to allow that.

"Oh hold on a second.."

I reached over her getting really close, i was going for the remote to the bed. I saw the button to sit up the back so I pressed it and held it, i could feel the bed getting closer. I let go of it and turned my head towards her. Her face was centimeters away from mine. I could feel her breathing and i felt my heart start to beat faster. I looked into her green eyes and they seemed to sparkle, gosh she was so beautiful, even in her situation, just then my stomache went crazy. Having those little butterflies that you would get when you were a child and git really nervous. I wanted so badly to read her mind. I wanted to find out what she was thinking. She just pulled to me. Something about her just kept me here. There had to be a reason that i stayed here this long wasnt there? After i crashed into her in the

hallway something struck me. I didnt want to leave her side. The boys told me to come back to the hotel room and wed check in on her, but i stayed. Looking into her eyes i felt transported, like i was in a different world were everything was right. Just then i heard someone at the door. I turned around and saw her friend, Hunter, in the doorway with a widened expression on her face. I stood back up and looked back down at Lennon and she seemed to be staring back at me. My lips want to move and say something but my voice wouldnt let me, so i grabbed my bag and started to walk out the door. Hunter walked passed me but gave me a curious look. I have a feeling Lennon will be questioned once i was gone. I walked out into the hallway and started to walk towards the exit. Things were just going crazy. I sat down in one of the waiting chairs. I must be going crazy or something. I met this girl not but 2 days ago and i really didnt even met her i just put her in the hospital and i couldnt get her out of my mind. I took out my phone and saw that i had some messages from Harry.


hey man were getting worried, whats going on?

I replyed back

Somethings going on man, i dont know what to do.. this is weird :/

Not but a few seconds later the phone buzzed,


Hey, ill be there in a minute just hold tight

I slid my phone back in my pocket not even checking the other messages and rested my head down and closed my eyes. After a while i felt my shoulder shaking.

"Hey man wake up!"

I opened my eyes and looked over and saw that Harry was sitting next to me. I stretched my arms up and ran my hands through my hair.

"So, uh, whats so weird?" I sat up and turned towards him.

"You know the girl? The one here?"

"The one you killed?" He smiled

"I dint kill her!" We started laughing then i realized what i was aboit to talk about ad stopped.

"Something weird happened when i was up there "

"Oh, Niall dont tell me you did it with a girl you just met!" He rolled his head back and stared at me.

"Oh my god man! NO!" I threw my arms up and he jumped.

"Woa man sorry, i was just asking.. well then what happened?"

So i told him what happened, and how i felt when i looked at her and everything that i felt when it happened.

"Sounds like we got the case of the likes" He gave me a cheeky grin and it made me laugh.

"What should i do though? Should i go back up anf tell her? Or should i just leave?"

"You should never leave when you feel like that, that feeling right there is a a life time chance right there, well thats what Louis says, i really havent exprienced it yet but man if you really felt like what you just said go with your heart man. I have to go though, tell mee what you did when you get home." He put his hand on my shoulder znd smiled. He grabbed his phone and left. I now was more confused but if i was going to do what my heart felt like doing then i was ready.


"What in the world was that?" Hunter now was sitting at the end of my bed. She had brought up some lunch.


Honestly i didnt know what it was. He was so close to my face. His eyes were staring into mine. My heart started to beat faster when he leaned over me to fix the bed. I wanted to say something to him but i just stared. I probably looked like a retard. He ran off before i could.

"That didnt look much like nothing." She raised an ebrow at me at got up.

"Where are you going?"

" Ive been here forever waiting for you to wake up,im going back to the hotel to get freshened up and get you some clothes so you dont have to leave in a hoslital robe." Then she turned around and walked out of the room. I was left to sit and think. I just couldnt think of anything but him. I couldnt get him out of my mind. That weird feeling that i got when he was so close to me was still there. I couldnt tell if it was a good or bad feeling. I wanted so bad to just talk to him about what just happened. I dont know if he felt it but, i just dont know. I got really tired and leaned the bed back again and closed my eyes. I dozed off. I thought i heard the door open to the rooom and i thought it was Hunter so i opened my eyes and looked over. But it wasnt her, it was him. Did he feel the same way i felt? Well, i dont know but im about to find out. He walked over to the side of the bed and looked at me with his blue eyes. I started to ramble like i do when i get nervous.

"Uhm what happened earlier, I dont know what to say really, i mean, did you, you know, feel anything by any chance, like a weird stomache feeling? I meant to say something before you left, but i just couldnt, im sorry im real.."

Just then he put his on the bed on either side of my head and leaned down and before i knew it he crushed his lips to mine. I felt the warmth of his lips and at first my mind was going crazy and i went stiff but then i just relax and grabbed his neck. The kiss didnt last long but long enough to get the point through. He pulled back and went both sucked in air. He smiled and looked down at me.

"By the way, Im Niall Horan"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2012 ⏰

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