Blue Eyes

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The taxi dropped us of in front of the hotel steps. The hotel was grand and so pretty, i have no idea how we could of afforded it but Hunter picked it out. We were walking up the steps and Hunter interupted my train of thought.

"You know I heard One Direction might stay at this hotel, I heard they are coming with Niall to visit!" She clapped her and smiled big.

"Once again with that stupid band?" I looked and her could see she was obsessed

"Ya, but youve never listened to them! How can you hate them when havent listened? You wont let me!" She began walking up the steps to the doors of the Hotel. The doorman held the door open for us and i thanked him. We walked to the couner where ayoung women was sitting, She looked up once we got close.

"Welcome, Do you have reservations?" She put her hands on the key board ready to type what Hunter was about to say.

"Yes, there under Hunter Hill amd Lennon Smith." The lady stated typing ad when she found it, she got up and walked into the back and came back with a key.

"Heres your room key. Its room 107 on the 3 rd floor. Have a nice visit." I grabbed the key from her hands and started to walk to the stairs.

"Where are you going?" Hunter asked

"Th room why? I stopped and looked back at her where she was waiting.

"Arent we taking the elevator?" She pressed the up button.

"No, were taking the stairs." She shook her head

"No, we have to take the elevator."







"Fine! Ugh!" I walked back over to where she was and waited for the stupid elevator. It finally came down and open and it was an empty elevator. We walked in with our suitcases ad i reached over pressed 3. The door started to close intill i heard someone yell.

"Wait!" A hand grabbed the door and they opened back up and a guy came in. He was kind of short and had blonde hair but what grabbed my attention was the eyes. They were so blue. He reached over and started to press the 3 but was already lit.

"Oh, I guess we got the same floor. " his irish accent pop out like the ones weve been hearing all day. He smiled and looked at me. I smiled back and went back looking at the the buttons. I felt like i was still being watched and so i looked back and he was still looking at me. His smile was gone but now he was just staring at me. He looked away but i still saw him staring. I smiled at myself and looked at the floor. The elevator stopped and he rushed out as soon as the doors opened. I grabbed my luggge and walked out. I watch him run down the hallway and.went into his room. Hunter came running up behind me and grabbed my arm and dragged me to the room.

"Key, Key! Give me the key!" She was holding her hand out and jumping up and down.

"Woa, whats wrong!?" I reached into my pocket and pulled the key out.

"Just give it here!" She snatched it out of my hands and swipped it through the lock. She grabbed her luggage and i started to grab mine and then she grabbed my arm and pulled me in the room. Sh slammed the door behind her and walked over t the couch.

"OH! MY! GOD! Do you know who that was?" I gave her a confusing look and sat down beside her.

"Should of I?"

She looked at me a gave me horrible look.

"That was Niall Horan! From One Direction! I can not believe yoi didnt know that!" She stood up and walked over to her luggage which was now sitting on the bed.

"What are you doing?" I stood up and walked over to her.

"Getting ready silly , Were gunna go out!" She grabbed a blue dress and handed it to me.

"Go and put that on."

"Uh, okay." I walked over to a door and opened it and it was the bathroom. I walked and put the dresson and waled out in it. Hunter was already changed when i came back out she was in a dress that was purple and looked realy good on her.

"Wow, that blue looks really good on you. Here take some flats and that should be it." She handed me the shoes and i put them on and walked over to the fridge. I opened it and saw some orange juice and geabbed that. Hunter was waiting by the door and whennshe saw me she ooened it up and walked out. I got out of the room and remembered the key and walked back in and grabbed the key amd closed the door. I sw Hunter get into the elevator, she was so impatient. I walked towards the elevator door while i was drinking the orange juice then all of a sudden someone slammed into me. I fell doen ad whoever it was came down with me and landed on me. My head it the floor really hard to where my vison was getting fuzzy. The guy i saw in the elevator was on top of me. He rolled of and stood up.

"Oh my gosh, i am soo sorry! I was runnin away from fansnyou know. Wait are you still alive? OH MU GOD!" I heard doors open and people walkong over to where i was. The Niall guy came back downnnext to me and waved his hand in front of my face. 4 other boys were surronding me.

"Oh My God Niall! You've killed a girl!" This boy had straight hair amd seemed to be over reacting.

"Ill go get Paul!" The boy left, he had black hair but he also had a blonde stripe in the front which i quite lliked.

"Just give her some room!" Another guy said but this one had sunglasses on inside. I thought that was bazar

" so, umm, basically, niall i think she just passed out." All i saw from this one was curly hair.

" Hey, Im so sorry," Those blue eyes same blue eyes in the elevator stared at me. He smiled then thats when i saw a big bulky man coming with the black haired one. He was pointing at us.

"Move back boys, give her some breathing room." The man pushed back them all a grabbed the blonde haired one. I heard the voice from the curly haired one say,

"Shes pretty" I turned tryed to laugh but it came out as a cough and then my vison was gone and i was passed out.

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