Exes and... Oh

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I woke up next to a still sleeping Jake and a painful stomach ache. I winced and sat up turning to the side slowly to reduce the pain that kept throbbing everywhere. When I stood up pain shot through me and I tried to ignore it as much as I could.

I noticed I've been wearing the same clothes for a little bit and decided to change. I looked over at Jake who was still sound asleep on his bed. I decided to go into Jake's closet to get my bag of clothes. I unzipped the bag and grabbed a flannel and some jeans.

I heard shuffling from the bed so he might wake up soon. I walked out and went downstairs walking a certain way so it wouldn't hurt as bad. I go towards the kitchen to find something to eat.

I go into the pantry and I never really expected to find so many snacks but I guess it makes sense. Again, he's totally rich.

When I got done I sat on his couch and turned on the T.V. to waste time. We had at least 15 minutes until we had to go so I waited for Jake.


Jake had came downstairs with a long sleeved shirt and jeans. His hair wasn't done so it looked fluffier than what it usually looked.

"Morning, Nate"

"Good morning"

"School again?"


He sighed but walked towards the door

"Then let's go, I don't feel running and we have 9 minutes to get there"

"Alright then"

I turned off the T.V. and stood up. I didn't feel pain this time so I jogged over to Jake. He opened the front door and let me out first.

"Ladies first."

He smirked and I walked through the door

"I knew you were like fi-!"

Apparently I forgot there were stairs and before I could react I was falling backwards. I knew I was falling so I just let it happen. I closed my eyes waiting for the hard impact to the pavement but I didn't happen. Instead I felt a pair of muscled arms. I opened my eyes to a worried looking Jake and embarrassment.

"You okay Nathan?"

"Um y-yeah I'm fine..."

He slowly stood me up on the last stair and then the air filled with silence. I know I said I would chill out on resisting life but come on.

The silence wasn't awkward but it wasn't comfortable either. Jake stepped down and started walking on the grass.

"Come on! Aren't you the one who wanted to go?"

"Oh shut up."

I walked over and we headed towards the school


I walked into the school before Jake and I knew something like this would happen. A lot of guys were staring at me and glaring at each other. I hate that most of the male population in this school are werewolves.

I ignored all the looks and stares but one of these guys were approaching me. I instantly wanted to disappear. Mason Hales also know as my ex is walking towards me. Right fucking now.

I looked behind me and Jake wasn't to far behind he must have got distracted by something. Mason was soon in front of me.

"Hey, Nate"

"It's Nathan."

I tried to walk past him but he grabbed me by my wrist and pulled me back. When he let go I backed up a little bit.

My Bully, My Mate (Book 1) {Complete}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora