Chapter 18

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"What are you doing here?" Annie asked coldly, her face turning from warm to cold.

"I was going to walk with (Y/N) to school." Bertholdt said as he actually sounded confident for once.

"No I'm going to walk to school with her. You probably have been doing so before, don't you have Reiner to cling too?"

"I-I don't c-cling to Reiner!" Bertholdt face scrunched.

"Leave before I plant my foot in your face." Annie threatened.

Bertholdt scurried off to God knows where, and Annie turned to look at (Y/N).

"Do you usually walk with Bertholdt? Maybe I should've just let you go with him."

"No it's totally fine! I'm glad kinda, let's go before my parents ye-I mean wish me off to school!" (Y/N) exclaimed while correcting herself.

"I wouldn't be around Bertholdt a lot. He's always with Reiner and you never know what that meat head will do. They can be really weird sometimes (Y/N), I'm just telling you."

"U-Um okay Annie. Anyway how was your morning?"


Annie and (Y/N) started walking too school talking about their daily morning routines and so on. Bertholdt finally got to the school and saw Reiner waiting by the gate. When Reiner took notice to him, Reiner questionably looked at Bertholdt. Bertholdt jogged to Reiner, he was out of breath from running all the way. Soldier in the past or not, running can still be tiring.

"Where's (Y/N) Bert?"

"She is friend with Annie now."

Deciding it was to early to go to the school, which they would be waiting for a half an hour. They went to a bubble tea café, once again (Y/N) introduced the place to Annie. Annie look at the place up and down, she never really been here. The other popular girls would sometimes hang out in the popular tea café. She never knew that one day she would be with a friend and actually get the chance to come to the café. They walked into the café, the door open with a 'ding' noise from the bell that hung on top of the door. Annie looked at the bright tv screen that showed brightly showed the menu of drinks. (Y/N) jumped up in excitement.

"Thinking of something you'll want?"

Annie and (Y/N) ended up getting the normal bubble milk tea because Annie was to scared to try anything else and wasting (Y/N)'s money. When they got to school they separated there ways and (Y/N) began walking to Mr. Ness's class, not before a light-brunette male ran into her. Both of them falling on the ground, (Y/N)'s milk tea spilling all over the tile floor as well as her head that hit the floor.

"I-I'm so sorry-who am I kidding, I ran into a student on my first day back."

(Y/N) looked up to be meant with hazel eyes staring back into her own (E/C) orbs. She shook her head from headache that began set in from the trauma of the floor. Her vision a little blurry. Before she passed out she saw his worried expression turn into a flash of surprised.


"You good for nothing bitch!"

"Mom please stop!"

"You first join the military and then join the Scouts? Do you know how dishonoring that is (Y/N), because apparently you don't! You should be like your older sister, married to a wealthy man and living in the inner walls with a beautiful wedding ring. Now here is you pulling a sword out and slicing a titans neck! You have no manners and you don't care about yourself. I wish I never had you, now leave your dad and I alone, go back to your titan-killing scouts you slut! Your not welcome here."

"But mom-"

(Y/N) woke up on a plushy bed, the infirmaries bed. She was confused of the dream she had just had. Was it really a dream though? It sounded just like her mother but dressed in older clothing, like when they wore dresses and corsets time. She herself was wearing what seemed like to be a soldier uniform. A jacket with blue and white wings as it's logo, a navy blue button-up underneath, white clean-washed jeans with a brown waistcloth, black boots that went up knee-height, and with various brown straps. (Y/N) knew the uniform from somewhere, but couldn't quite grasp it. She opened her closed eyes and waited for her vision to clear up, while doing so she heard a older male cursing at himself.

"Hanji is going to kill me for being late!"

(Y/N) tried to sit up, but the ruffle of the sheets caught the attention of the male. He fast-walked over to her a lightly pressed her down on the bed.

"You should rest, that was quite a fall there (Y/N)." He told her. His voice held a tone of where it seemed that they knew each other.

"Who are you?" The confused girl asked him.

"You remember me? I'm Moblit Berner, Hanji's assistant. You actually really-well anyway yes I'm Moblit Berner, Ms. Zoe's teacher's assistant. I haven't been in the class due a meeting for the assistants. I know you because uh well-Hanji told me a lot about you! Like how your a great student transferring in the middle of the school year."

"Well nice to meet you Mr. Berner, I would introduce myself to you but you already know my name." (Y/N) said while carefully raising back up.

"What time is it, or what period is it I mean?" She asked.

"It's fourth period! Do you feel any better?" He asked.

"Yes I do, thank you Mr. Berner." (Y/N) nodded her head before a shock of pain bolted through her head.

"Wait! Let me get you some Ibuprofen before you go!" Moblit said before rushing over to the medicine cabinet, pulling out a bottle of pills.

(Y/N) took a pill from him and sipped it with some water out of a water bottle in her bag. After taking the pill, she took her bag and placed it on her shoulders ready to walk out.

"Oh by the way just call me Moblit!" Moblit smiled.

(Y/N) once again nodded her head and began to head toward her fourth period class. She slid open the door and saw a unfamiliar guy standing by Mr. Zacharias.

"What happened (Y/N), your head is bandage?" Mr. Zacharias asked while walking over (Y/N) to examine her head.

"I had a run in with one of the teacher's assistant, Mr. Berner."

"Moblit? Hmm..please take seat. By the way, you must be wondering about the new guy in this class. His name is Mr. Jin, Eld Jin. I'm sure most of the teacher's assistants have come back from their once a month meetings." Mr. Zacharias said.

"Thank you Mr. Zacharias." (Y/N) replied and went to her normal seat by the window. The normal anime protagonist sitting spot in most anime's she had watch.

She then walked to her fifth period class with Mr. Dok. Once she had gone into the classroom, their was another man in there! (Y/N) never knew that there was so much teacher's assistants in the school.

"Good day to you (Y/N), now please take a seat before I give you detention."

(Y/N) scurried to her seat, her eyes still fixed on the brunette with short brown hair that stuck up in the back. He wore a strict facial expression as he flipped through the stapled papers in the packet of our 'How to properly commune a speech'. He looked serious yet it looked like he would smile a lot. She pulled out her homework which was picking a topic and making a small speech about it. (Y/N) really didn't even know why this class was necessary for school.

"Miss? Excuse me Miss? I need to check you homework for-"

(Y/N) looked up confused at the new assistant, he looked oddly familiar to her.

"(Y/N) it's a pleasure to see you again! I thought after that titan had bitten into you, I would never see your funny face around the barracks again." The man said while rubbing the back of his head.

"I think you have mistaken me for somebody else, even though my name is (Y/N). I wonder why everyone knows me..."

He looked at her in shock of how she couldn't remember the past, the past of fun...well not for her that is. He cocked his head in confusion before coming up with a idea.

"You really want to know why everyone knows you, how they know your name without you ever knowing theirs? I have the answer, meet me on Saturday, the burger joint by the woods."

"I don't know you though. How can I trust you?"

"I am your teachers assistant for God sakes. Why would I be one if I was a criminal?" He deadpanned.

"I guess your right...but I can't on Saturday. I'm going to hang out with a friend."

"Sunday won't work, how about Monday or Tuesday?"

"Sure that sounds fine. But what's your name?"

"Gunther, Gunther Schultz." He smiled.

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