Chapter Seven

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Jacob curses himself as he paces, Sam and the rest of the pack watching, half amused and half worried, so he may have ran away from Catherine, he didn't know what to say or do. He just stared at her like a moron and then ran away. What was he suppose to say? 'Hi, I'm your natural enemy and I think I am supposed to be with you'. She would have laughed at him, she doesn't know him, not like the others, he didn't even know she existed till he saw her. If she was a Cullen why hadn't they met before?

"So you ran away?" Paul asks biting his lip to stop him from laughing. Jacob shoots him an annoyed look. Embry looks to Sam.

"Do we know her story?" he asks. Sam shrugs.

"Not really, I just know she's a Cullen" Sam then looks to Jacob. "Of course if someone had talked to her" Jacob shoots him a look now, Sam smirks.

"I hate all of you" Jacob tells them and walks out, they all laugh.


Catherine sighs walking back to the Cullen house, no one wants to be around her, she looks to her shoes sadly and then shakes her head. Everyone else has already left the reception, the music still plays quietly though, she must have been gone longer than she thought, granted she didn't have to watch the happy couple leave and be all....happy. She drops her shoes as she enters the house, she can hear her family, Esme cleaning in the kitchen, Alice hums away beside her. Rosalie is flicking through the tv channels up stairs with Emmett, and Carlisle is in his study with Jasper, playing chess, Catherine lowers her head and closes her eyes. Before heading towards her room.


Jacob paces, pretty much wearing through the carpet, Billy watches him worried, this is what happens when a wolf stays away from an imprint, they become irritated, fidgety, aggressive.

"Jacob" Billy starts, Jacob snaps his head around. "You can't ignore her forever, the imprint will pull you towards her, vampire or not....." Jacob shakes in his skin.

"I know" Jacob states. "I can feel it"

"Maybe just talk to her" Billy offers. "The imprint doesn't always mean romantic feelings, maybe she needs a friend, a protector, a brother, you know how it works" Jacob takes a deep breath and nods. "Talk to her" Jacob nods again.

"Okay" he agrees.


Catherine sets another set of shoes in her suit case and sighs, she knows Rosalie is now stood behind her.

"What are you doing?" Rosalie asks.

"What does it look like?" Catherine asks back, rounding her sister and grabbing a handful of dresses from her closet.

"Okay, why are you packing?"

"I told you after the wedding...." Catherine reminds her, Rosalie shakes her head at her sister.

"Please, stay"

"I already told you" Catherine reminds her, again. "It's just best for everyone if I go away" she closes her suitcase and zips it up. "I love you, Rose, I love all of you, but don't ask me to be miserable, I need to do this, I need to be the bigger person...." Rosalie nods and hugs her sister.

"Where will you go?" Rosalie asks. Catherine shrugs.

"I don't know yet, I'll wing it" Catherine offers with a smile. "Maybe I'll see the world" Rosalie holds her hand and nods. "Oh, Rose" Rosalie smiles sadly. "It's going to be okay"

"How am I supposed to live with the girl that drove my baby sister away?" Rosalie asks.

"Because this is your family" Catherine tells her. "And you have Emmett, okay? And she hasn't drove me away, I'm choosing to go for my own sanity" Rosalie smiles a little. "It's going to be fine, Rose"

"Cat" Rosalie whispers.

"I know" they sisters share a look.


Catherine sets her bags in the bag of her car, Carlisle shakes his head behind her.

"Catherine" he begs, she turns to him and smiles.

"Thank you" she tells him. "For everything" he pulls her into a hug and kisses her head.

"No matter what, you are always welcome here" he tells her and then pulls away. Esme pulls her into a tighter hug, almost squeezing her too tight. Emmett gives her a bear hug, lifting her off the ground, Catherine laughs and hugs him back. He sets her down and kisses her forehead.

"See you around, Kitty" she nods and looks to Rosalie who pulls her into a quick hug.

"I love you, Cat" Rosalie tells her.

"Love you too" Catherine tells her pulling back.

"I'm sorry" Alice tells her, Catherine shrugs.

"We've never really got along" Catherine tells her. "Guess you always knew" Alice looks down, Catherine nods and lets Jasper hug her, he kisses her head before she pulls back and turns to her car.


Catherine slams her foot on the break of her car, it only just comes to a stop before the figure stood in the middle of the road. Jacob stands before her. She glares at him through the wind shield.

"Get out the car" he snaps at her, she glares harder at him. "We need to talk"

"Now you want to talk?" she snaps. "You had your chance to talk to me walked away" she tells him, he sighs and nods, before moving around to the passenger door, he opens it and climbs in. "What are you doing?" she asks as he closes the door.

"I'm sorry" he tells her. "I'm sorry I walked away....I just...I didn't know what to say to you"

"How about hello?" she asks shooting him a look.

"Hello" he offers with a smirk looking to her. She scoffs and looks away. "Can we talk now, please?"

"I have a plane to catch" she tells him.

"You're leaving?" he asks.

"There is nothing for me here, why would I stay?" she asks him.

"Just ten minutes....please" he begs, she sighs and looks to him before pulling the car away.

" have till I reach the airport" she tells him, he nods, he'll take it, he looks over her quickly, even dressed down, there is something about her. And that smell, that scent, it's like nothing he's ever smelt before. "Clock's ticking" she looks to him. "Talk" she commands, and he opens his mouth without thinking about it.

Catherine (J. Black)Where stories live. Discover now