Chapter Nine

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Jacob looks to Catherine and smirks, reaches over and takes her hand pulling it into his lap, he turns it over traces the bite on her wrist.

"What's this off?" he asks, she looks to him, to the bite and then raises her eyes again.

"That's how I turned" she answers, he looks to her sadly and holds her head.

"Tell me" he whispers, she shakes her head.

"You don't want to hear it" she tells him.

"I want to know everything" he corrects brushing his thumb over her skin. She looks to him and then forward again.

"I was walking home" she tells him. "It was raining and the sun was setting" she states. "You ever have that know, the one where you know someone is following you?" he nods. "I had that feeling, all day, I just, I couldn't shake it" he squeezes her hand. "I was almost home, just a shortcut through the park and I would be right there......I never made it out of the park" she tells him. "I never saw him, her, whoever it was....I just remember the pain" she looks to him. "And then I hear her, Rosalie, my big sister, I thought I was dead" he frowns.


"Because we'd been told she was dead" she answers. "But I heard her, telling me that I was going to be okay"

"So the blonde one is actually your sister? Your blood sister?" she nods.

"Yeah...we're the only...real siblings" he nods and looks forward, he sighs, she follows his eyes.

"They're not going to want me around" he tells her as the car approaches the Cullen drive. "You should just let me out here"

"Jacob" she holds onto his hand. "I want you around" she tells him. He looks to her.

"You do?" he asks, she nods.

"Why do you think we came back?" she asks. "You said it was here or away, but to take you away from your family" she offers. "Your pack..." he smiles at her. She turns into the drive. "What sort of person would that make me?" she looks to him. "But we should tell them" she tells him. Jacob looks up at the house and nods. It's the logical thing to do, he's just not ready to die yet. She cuts the engine and looks up at the house, Rosalie frowns from the upstairs window, Catherine turns to Jacob who nods at her, Catherine climbs out first and Rosalie is suddenly there.

"What's going on? Are you back? Are you staying? What changed your mind? And what is that smell???" Rosalie asks. Catherine looks back to the car and Jacob climbs out, Rosalie raises an eyebrow.

"Jacob..convinced me that I should stay" Catherine tells her sister, who softens a little.

"You convinced her to come back?" Rosalie asks him, Jacob looks to Catherine who takes Rosalie's hand.

"I need to talk to you, to all of you.....we need to talk to you" Rosalie looks between them frowning.


Jacob stands at the back of the room watching the vampires, Catherine sits beside Rosalie directly in Jacob's line of sight, the rest of the family gathered around her. Rosalie takes her hand and gives her a small smile.

"What is it, Cat?" Jasper asks softly.

"I never said anything, because, well I had no idea it had happened until today so...." Catherine starts. "Do you remember when I got upset about the flowers and I took a walk?" they each nod and mumble affirmations. "Well there was this wolf..." Rosalie looks to Jacob and then to Catherine.

"No" she states. "Tell me he didn't" Catherine looks to her sister.

"Catherine?" Carlisle asks.

"I imprinted on her" Jacob answers behind them. "Catherine is my imprint" Carlisle looks to him.

"I wasn't aware this was even possible" he tells the wolf who shrugs.

"We didn't know either" Jacob offers. "But it's happened so....I get that you guys don't like me very much, or at all....but Catherine is my imprint, and you can't keep me away from her" he growls. Carlisle holds up a hand towards him.

"No one's said anything about stopping you from seeing her, but it's her choice...." Jacob calms and looks to Catherine.

"Don't send me away" he tells her, she shakes her head.

"You know who she is right?" Emmett asks. "You know her....past?"

"About Edward?" Jacob asks. "Yes, she told me, and I don't care that she was with him, because she's not now..." Carlisle turns to Catherine.

"This is up to you" he tells her softly. "No one can make this choice for you and we will support whatever you decide" he looks to Rosalie purposely, knowing she would be the most difficult in this situation, Catherine is her baby sister, and she always feels the need to protect her and after what she went through with Edward, Rosalie right now will be extra dubious out any sort of relationship. "Isn't that right, Rose?" Rosalie looks to Catherine who looks back at her.

"Please" Catherine begs of her sister. Rosalie nods and kisses her head.

"Whatever you want, Cat" Rosalie tells her. "Just don't expect me to sniff him" she teases, Catherine chuckles, and the others soon join in, Carlisle moves to Jacob.

"Just...look after her...right now she needs a friend" Jacob nods.

"I know...I wouldn't push her into anything...I just...I want her to be happy" Carlisle smiles, that's exactly what the rest of them want for her. "And if all she for me to be her friend...then that's what'll be"

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