Chapter Forty

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Jacob cheers lifting Niklaus over his head, the young hybrid squeals with delight, Catherine watches from the rocking chair she's sat in by the window. She smiles warmly, her hand running around her bump. Catherine and Jacob both look to her cell phone as it rings, she glances to Jacob.

"Who is it?" Jacob asks as Catherine turns to pick it up.

"It's Carlisle" Catherine answers standing from the chair, Jacob gives her a smile.

"See...they're fine" he tells her, she smiles back and then leaves the room. Jacob turns to Niklaus who climbs into his lap.

"Is Vamp-gramp mad at us?" Niklaus asks, Jacob smirks a little and then shakes his head at him.

", of course not" Jacob assures him. "They understand that we were trying to protect you" Jacob tells Niklaus, pulling him into his lap. "And your baby brother and sister, just as they were protecting Nessie" Niklaus nods and snuggles into Jacob who smiles. "Me and your mother, we will always put you and however many brothers and sisters you get first, Nikki" Niklaus smiles and kisses Jacob's cheek.

"I know" Niklaus tells him. "And I'll protect them too" Jacob smiles and nods.

"We know" he assures his son.


Catherine pulls on one of Jacob's shirts, Jacob is already in bed waiting for her, looking out the window of their bedroom at the view of the Kettle River Banning State Park. Now they don't have to worry about the sunlight their options were open. Catherine pulls her hair up into a messy bun and turns to him.

"If it wasn't for Alice and Jasper turning up at the last moment....with another like Nessie" she sighs softly and rubs her bump.

"You feel bad I know" Jacob tells Catherine as she climbs into bed with him, he looks to Catherine as she gets comfy. "They're your family, but Cat, when you needed them most....when they should have taken your side, they didn't" she sighs and looks to him. "Babe, they were willing for you to fight, pregnant...."

"I know" she argues. "I know all that....I just...." he smiles and kisses her.

"Because you are a beautifully wonderful person" he strokes her cheek. "You can't help but want to help the people you love" she smiles at him. "You have children to protect now" he reminds her. "I'm sorry but that trumps them"

"I know" she whispers, he kisses her softly and then pulls her closer, wrapping his arms around her tightly. "The packs fine" she tells him warmly. "Seth misses Leah but he understands her need to be with Nikki"

"Did I tell you she's convinced Embry's gonna imprint on one of the twins?" Catherine looks to him. He nods.

"Wow" she smiles. "You know what, there isn't any one else I would trust that with. Embry's sweet, kind, loving....protective" Jacob nods and strokes her cheek. "He'll look after them"

"Yeah he will" Jacob runs his hand over her bump.


Months later – Catherine takes deep breaths, her hands pressed to the wall, her head hung between them. She groans and moves her hips slightly. Jacob moves to her side and rubs her back.

"What did Carlisle say?" she asks through a pained cry.

"He's on his way" Jacob answers. "Told me to keep you comfortable"

"Comfortable?!" she complains. "Jake" she whines.

"I know, babe" he coos rubbing her back again. "But our babies are coming" she cries out and hangs her head again, her hybrid claws unsheathing and digging into the wall. "I don't think they're going to wait for Carlisle" he tells her warmly, she whimpers and looks to him.

"I can't do this" she argues, he nods.

"Yeah, you can" he argues back at her. "I know you can" she looks to him.

"Really?" she asks, he nods.

"So...let's get you comfortable. All the books said....all fours is good" Jacob tells her.

"Like a dog?!" she snaps, he kisses her head and takes her hand from the wall.

"Come on" he helps her towards the bed. She squeezes his hand tightly in hers.

"Jacob" she whispers, he looks to her.

"It's okay, Cat, I'm going to take care of you" he promises helping her onto the bed.


Carlisle hurries out of his car and heads towards the cabin entrance, Emmett sits on the porch with Niklaus.

"You're too late" Emmett teases. Carlisle raises an eyebrow as Emmett smirks standing with the young hybrid. "She actually attracted wolves" Carlisle shoots him a look. "I'm not joking" Emmett points out. Carlisle smirks and heads into the house.


Catherine smiles down at the small bundle in her arms. A baby girl, beautiful, perfect. Jacob is smiling like an idiot from where he sits on the end of the bed, a baby boy in his arms. Carlisle and Rosalie appear in the doorway, Carlisle smiles.

"Sorry I took so long" he offers moving towards them. "How do you feel?" he asks Catherine sitting next to her on the bed, she smiles up at him.

"Pretty great actually, better then last time" Carlisle pulls the blanket down from around the baby and smiles.

"So....who do we have here?" he asks, Catherine leans against his arm.

"Hayley Rose" she answers looking to Rosalie who smiles warmly at her.

"You middle named her after me?" Rosalie asks sniffling. "And now I am crying" she and Catherine share a smile.

"Who else was I going to name her after?" Catherine asks back. "And..." she starts nodding to Jacob. "Fenris William"

"I am sure your father will be over joyed" Carlisle offers Jacob who nods.

"I should call him" Jacob tells himself and stands. "Here, Blondie, hold your nephew" Jacob hands Fenris over to Rosalie who smiles down at the baby.

"Hey, gorgeous" Rosalie greets as Jacob leaves the room. Carlisle smiles at Catherine who smiles at her baby.

"I'm glad your happy, Cat" Carlisle tells her softly. "It's....beyond time" she looks to him. "Everything that happened...."

"Lead me to Jacob" she stops him. "To Niklaus, to Hayley and Fenris, and whilst it hurt, whilst it took more then 70 years, I don't regret a single moment of it" she smiles. "Because I do have my happily ever after....and I'm sorry I wasn't there..."

"No, no, we should never have expected you to be involved whilst pregnant, we were out of line" Carlisle kisses her head. "And I know I'm not your father"

"You are" Catherine argues. "You are, Carlisle" she holds out Hayley to him. "Now hold your granddaughter" she teases, Carlisle smiles and takes the baby. "I need to pee" Catherine argues and then climbs out of bed.


Catherine smirks watching Jacob sleeping against the crib Emmett had set up at the end of their bed, the twins inside watching their father snore with a baby's dummy in his mouth. Catherine moves to him and gently touches his shoulder, Jacob jerks away and looks to her.

"Time for bed, Jake" she whispers taking his hand and walks backwards towards the bed. He snuffles along with her and yawns.

"They're perfect" he tells her, she smiles at him.

"I know" she teases, he smiles back at her as they both fall onto the bed. He groans and turns to snuggle into her neck.

"Perfect" he whispers wrapping an arm around her. "Wedding next" he tells her. "You in a beautiful dress..." he then starts to snore, Catherine sighs and smirks. Niklaus climbs onto the bed and climbs between them wedging Jacob out of the way, Catherine pulls her son closer and kisses his head.

"I'll protect them" he tells Catherine who smiles and nods. Her perfect family.

Catherine (J. Black)Where stories live. Discover now