Chapter Forty One

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Esme smiles down at the wedding invitation in her hand as Carlisle kisses her neck.

"I can't believe this is finally happening" Esme states softly. "I also can't believe she invited me" Esme looks to Carlisle. "I let her down"

"Catherine was never one to hold grudges" Carlisle offers softly taking the invitation from her. "She sent another photo of our grandchildren....would you like to see it?" Esme looks to him and smiles. Carlisle hands a Polaroid photo of Niklaus, Hayley and Fenris, the twins now a year old, and growing at the normal rate, Niklaus looks more like a thirteen-year-old.

"Oh....they're beautiful," Esme tells Carlisle softly. "I'll actually get to meet them this time"


Edward smiles at the wedding invitation on the side.

"We're not going, right?" Bella asks. "I mean...she's your ex-wife" Edward raises an eyebrow.

"She came to our wedding" he reminds her. "Despite your attempt to rub that in her face she took it rather gracefully, and we should do the same. She may not be my wife anymore, Bella, but she is still my friend, my family, and Renesmee's aunt. And we both know how much Nessie and Nikki get along, they both understand what it's like to be unique, she misses him" Bella looks to him and then to Renesmee sleeping with her head in Seth's lap.

"Okay," Bella agrees. Edward smiles and kisses her.

"Thank you," he tells her warmly.


"Do we have to wear suits?" Paul asks pulling a face at the invitation, Rachel plucks it from him and chuckles.

"Yes, baby, you do," she tells him moving to sit with Emily who chuckles,

"Sam asked me the exact same thing" Emily teases.

"It's not natural for us to wear shirts" Paul argues, the two women shoot him a look.


Jasper smiles at his invitation, a small note on the back. 'You are a V.I.P'. he shakes his head and sets the invitation on the pinboard in his and Alice's bedroom, she smiles from the bed.

"So it's finally happening" Alice teases.

"I'm a V.I.P" Jasper teases back, Alice chuckles.


Billy smiles at the invitation, he'd gotten a Polaroid as well of course.

"Finally" he states warmly setting the photo on the fridge.


Rosalie pins Catherine's hair into place as Jasper walks into the room adjusting his buttonhole flower, he's her third bridesmaid, after Rosalie and Leah.

"Okay," he states. "This one?" he asks holding out his arms, Rosalie and Catherine look over him, Rosalie wrinkles her nose, Catherine turns and pulls a flower from her bouquet and stands moving to her brother, he smiles at her as she swaps the buttonhole flowers out, she places her hand on his chest and smiles. "You look beautiful, Cat," he tells her warmly.

"And you look very handsome, Jaz," she tells him back.

"Dress time" Rosalie reminds them. Catherine nods as Leah walks into the room adjusting her dress, she looks between them and then shrugs. "The little wolf girl scrubs up well" Rosalie teases.

"Can you two play nice?" Catherine scolds. "It's my wedding day" Rosalie holds up her hands in surrender. Catherine turns to Leah. "You look beautiful, Leah" Leah smiles at her.

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