Chapter 8

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Today Davis was on set because they were taking production stills for the show as well as cast photos, and Lily prayed that Mason had briefed him on the situation. The last thing she needed after the previous day was Davis calling her LeeLee.

She had already been through hair and makeup, sitting silently next to Finn as Bianca and June worked their magic. Jo Dee and Tom Cates, who Lily had yet to work with, were attending the photo shoot as well.

Jo was a beautiful blond haired blue eyed angel who played Rose, Desmond's sister, on the show, and Tom played Jonathan, Desmond's old cop buddy. There were more people of course, but Finn, Jo, and Tom were the permanent cast, and Lily wondered if she would be included with them by the end of the season.

As she walked onto the set, she saw Jo and Finn striking various poses while Davis captured their image. Lily had to admit that they made a striking couple. Finn was dark and dangerous, and Joe was light and safe. Jo had hardly spoken to Lily since she had arrived on the set, and it was almost as if she was ignoring the fact that she was part of the show. Lily figured it was that it was one of two reasons, either she was jealous of the time she got to spend with Finn, or she didn't want another female on set.

Lily let her gaze move over to Tom, whose eyes were glued to both actors while a cigarette hung out of his mouth, and his eyes narrowed as he watched Jo and Finn together. Lily wasn't sure about what was going on between the three of them, but she got a distinct impression that Tom also suffered from jealousy.

Watching the couple in front of the camera, Lily moved towards an empty chair which was next to the teenager called Mike. She didn't try to talk to him as she sat, knowing that it might stress him out, and as he started to count on his fingers, she started to hum softly under her breath. She didn't know why she did it, but it was one of her favorite songs, and it seemed to calm the young man and herself as the counting slowed and then stopped. He didn't look at her or talk to her, but he seemed accepting of her presence.

Eventually, they switched out, and Tom and Jo stood together while Davis took photos. Finn did his disappearing act as soon as Davis was finished with him, but Lily knew he couldn't have gone far because he still had to take photos with her.

"It's wrong, it's wrong," Mike started to chant as he started counting on his fingers again.

Lily's eyes scanned the area for what might be upsetting him as she started to hum again, but it didn't calm him as it had before. Whatever he saw was overwhelming him.

"What's wrong, Michael?" Finn asked. He had moved behind them so silently that Lily jumped at his sudden appearance, but Mike must have heard him because he wasn't surprised.

"The ring, it's wrong, it's wrong," he was rocking now.

Lily watched Finn's eyes scan Tom and Jo for a moment, looking for the issue. "I see it, Michael," he assured the boy.

"Tom," Finn called across the open space between them, and Tom and Jo both looked in their direction. Jo's frown made it clear that she was not happy about Finn standing next to Lily. "You're wearing your wedding ring."

Lily's eyes grew wide, was it as simple as that? It must have been because as soon as Tom removed his ring and slipped it in his pocket, Mike settled.

"Michael has a photographic memory, among other talents. If something is off from what it should be, it makes him anxious," Finn explained.

Lily nodded as she turned her attention back toward the photo shoot. She and Finn would be next, and she was dreading it. She knew something bad would happen; it always did. Finn remained behind Mike watching Davis work, and Lily could feel the energy that rolled off him.

He had charisma. He naturally drew the eye, not only because of the way he looked, but it was something else, it was as if he didn't give a damn about what anyone thought. It was his inherent confidence that was desirable. He was the exact opposite of Lily, who worried about what everyone thought.

"Lily, Finn, you're next!" Davis called from across the room.

Lily breathed a sigh of relief that he had called her Lily. She was in such a hurry to get the photos over with that when she jumped off the chair, it fell, causing a horrible racket. A few people turned to look but most only shook their head when they saw it was Lily. They already knew that if something was going wrong, she was in the middle of it.

Finn reached down and righted the chair his face impassive as he watched Lily blush. "After you?" he suggested with his arm extended. She almost wished he would laugh.

As she approached Davis, she smiled hesitantly and then promptly tripped over her own feet, but before she could fall, Finn's arm reached out and grabbed her around the waist, keeping her upright.

"Thank you," she said as he stepped away from her.

Davis watched the entire interaction, but instead of smiling or laughing, he was watching them intently as if he was reading them, which he probably was.

Lily was wearing a wool skirt and sweater set with another pair of chunky heels. Her hair was a curly nightmare, and her glasses were perched high on her nose. It was not her ideal look for a photo shoot. She had the feeling that Davis felt the same way because he looked at the photos and frowned.

"Finn, face me, Lily, stand directly in front of him and give me profile." He moved them this way and that, not liking any of it. He stopped and walked around them and then leaned against a table behind him as he scrolled through the photos.

Lily's face started to turn red in embarrassment. There hadn't been this problem with the others, and she could feel everyone's attention turning toward them.

"Lilly, take off your shoes and lose the top sweater. Finn, lose the jacket and roll up your sleeves."

They did as they were told and then waited as he thought some more, and Lily watched as Davis started to grin. "Lily face Finn, Finn put your arm around Lily's waist and pull her close. Lily place your hands on Finn's chest and look back over your shoulder at me. Finn, look directly at the camera."

Lily and Finn followed his direction, assuming the pose that he wanted, and the funny thing was that it worked. She could feel it.

But she also felt safe, it was the first time in a long time, if ever, that she felt safe. Finn's arm was wrapped around her, holding her close, and his other hand landed on her hip. Lily could feel the steady beat of his heart under her hand and the heat from his body where it rested against hers.

"Lovely," Davis said, "now turn giving me profile and look at each other."

Lily let Finn move her, and then she slowly looked up at him as he looked down at her. Lily felt herself being trapped in his dark gaze as his hand that was on her hip moved to cover her hands that were still resting on his chest. He had to feel her racing heartbeat.

"Now, Finn, rest your head against Lily's." He did as instructed, and Lily could feel his breath mingling with hers as her gaze was drawn to his lips. "Great, now Lily rest your head against his chest and wrap your arms around his waist and look at the camera."

Lily did as she was instructed, and she closed her eyes at the feel of him. She could feel his solidness, his warmth, she could smell leather from his jacket and something else that she couldn't define. It was only a hug for the camera, but as she felt his arms wrap around her shoulders, she once again felt safe, she felt as if she finally belonged. He moved them into one more position where Finn was standing behind her with his hands on her shoulders, and she had her arms crossed. It was lackluster after the other poses, and she felt it.

"Thanks, Lily, you're done for now. Finn, I want to get you with Tom." 

The rest of the afternoon was spent with them switching out to get different shots. There were no other shots with only her and Finn, and she knew that the ones that had been taken of her and Jo were poor at best.

One good thing was there had been no more accidents, and Lily made it home that night in her repaired car with no other problems.

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