Chapter 29

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They had been working hard all week to finish shooting on schedule. They only had the last scenes of the final episode to shoot and then they were done. It was a bittersweet feeling and Lily was hopeful that she would get to do it all again the following year but no promises had been made. Due to all of their hard work Mason had given them extra time off for the holiday weekend.

Now Lily was sitting by the Stevens pool enjoying her time with the kids cooling off while she played lifeguard. It was the 4th of July, and everyone felt festive this year as the Stevens descended en-mass to Savannah for a little holiday break. Their breaks tended to be organic and just happened. At least that was how it appeared to occur as one after the other began to arrive. Lee and Kate had also arrived, and between Stevens house and Evers house, the place was packed. Outside of herself and Henry, there were nine grandkids, and they made the place feel crowded. Fiona, Quinn and Dana Stevens's daughter was the oldest at twelve, and the youngest was Paul, Penny and Sam's son at four years old, who was sitting on Lily's lap asleep.

Lily watched from the sidelines as a rousing game of Marco-Polo was taking place with Colten, Penny and Sam's son who was eight years old, attempting to catch someone. He dodged left then right then ducked under the water and zoomed across the pool arms outstretched catching Mave, aged seven, who was one of Rainer and Alice Stevens's twins. Mave was found the most, primarily because of her bright red hair. When the kid's cheated by peeking, and they always peeked because it was the only way they could win the game, her hair was the first thing they saw in what for the most part was a sea of blonds.

"I got caught last time!" she cried.

"It doesn't matter Mave; if you're slow you're slow!" Alister, also seven years old, and Grace and Bryce Stevens's son yelled across the water. He was lanky with dark curly hair like his mother and the Stevens bright blue eyes. He was going to be a looker when he grew up.

"Don't yell at my sister!" Beth, Mave's twin, yelled from across the pool. She was as blond as the others since she had Mave were fraternal twins.

"I'll take Mave's turn," Sam Junior called as he moved to the center of the pool. Mave already thought Sam, Penny and Sam's oldest who was ten, hung the moon. The boy could do no wrong in her eyes.

Fiona rolled her eyes as she got out of the pool. She was twelve and had a massive crush on Henry.

That left Cassie and Mason's daughter, Aggie, who was also seven and had dark auburn curly hair like Cassie, and Ellie, who was five and Sam and Penny's second youngest. Ellie was hardly old enough to play, so they had let her start as Marco at the beginning of the game and then by agreement never tried to catch her again. It made her feel included but kept her safe. Her little brother, Paul, was still too young to play.

"Watermelon! Who wants a break?" Grace Stevens called as she brought out a giant tray of huge watermelon slices.

"Let's have a seed spitting contest!" Lily said as she managed to get up while holding Paul at the same time. He woke for a moment, looked around, then laid his head on Lily's shoulder, closing his eyes again.

"Not in the pool!" Quinn, Mason's brother called from inside the screen door.

Mason had five brothers, Bryce the oldest, Rainer, Quinn, Davis, and Caleb, and he also had a twin sister Lizzy, who intimidated Lily when she was around.

A line was set on the patio with a stick, and then the bets started as they began to all start talking smack to each other about who was better than who.

"It reminds me of when mine were little," Elizabeth Stevens the matriarch said behind Lily. Lily turned to smile at her and noticed that the rest of the family had gathered to watch the competition. Her gaze scanned the crowd with a smile, and her smile faded as she caught sight of Finn standing next to Uncle Lee in the back.

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