Chapter 35

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It had been three months since she had seen Finn, and a lot had happened in those three months. The news had broken that Cassie and Mason were going to have another child, Lily had recorded an album, Finn had taken Hollywood by storm getting the staring part in a romance film, but as far as Lily knew, no one, other than those working on the show, had found out about his leg.

Lily had enjoyed her time staying with Rhea and Elias on the island, and she had made a few new friends in the process. One of them was the drummer in Elias's band The Addiction. His name was Paxton, and he was a surprisingly considerate man for being the drummer in a rock band. He and Lily had hit it off right away, and she had enjoyed spending time with him. He had hinted that he was interested in more, and she had even let him go as far as kissing her, but she couldn't seem to get past a few light makeout sessions.

She had tried her best, but somehow it hadn't seemed right, she had felt as if something was missing and she knew that something was Finn. Paxton had invited her back to Los Angles to spend some time with him, and she had enjoyed herself, but the platonic relationship, while fun was not a longterm solution to her broken heart.

Finn was the first thing she thought of every morning and last thing she thought of every night, but other than fleeting thoughts throughout the day, she wouldn't let the sadness overwhelm her. When it had come time for her to return to the east coast for the beginning of the press tour, she and Paxton had decided to make it into a long road trip taking a week to cross the country and stop at all the places that they wanted to; finding little hotels to stay at when they got tired.

The press tour was starting in Savannah at the annual Film Festival with the show's premiere and a question and answer session after the showing. There was also a small reception scheduled as well. Lily rolled into town with Paxton and presents, and couldn't wait to see everyone again. As soon as she and Paxton dropped their stuff off at her apartment, they loaded up and headed to Aunt Penny and Uncle Sam's for dinner. When they entered the house they were surrounded by cheerful hellos and hugs and Lily felt that she had finally arrived home once more.

The children all rushed her and begged for their presents, and Lily was happy to oblige them by dumping her treasures unceremoniously on the kitchen table. Everyone took their time looking through it all and asking questions while she and Paxton told light-hearted tales about the trip.

They were in the middle of telling them about this one little town in Georgia where they had found a cemetery with a woman name Alamo buried in it.

"And the hotel!" Paxton laughed. "That was an experience!" he said as he looked over at Lily, who smiled at the memory. Her smile faded as the hairs on the back of her neck stood up, The back door had opened, and she turned to see a pregnant Cassie, Mason, Elias, Petra, and Finn entering.

"Hey, guys!" Lily greeted as she rushed to hug everyone. She didn't hug Finn though; she only nodded in his direction. "How's Mike?" Lily asked, meeting his eyes and doing her best not to fall all over again. Her heart was racing, telling her that she was not over him, that he was still the one. He looked good, strong.

"He's fine," Finn said with a nod in return.

"Did he get my postcards?" she asked. She had sent Mike colorful postcards from her many different stops.

"He did."

There was really nothing else to say, and an awkward pause filled the room.

"So, this hotel?" Penny asked, pulling Lily down next to her and patting her hand. "We're so glad you're home!"

Lily smiled, glad she was too, even if it hurt a little. She knew it was going to, but she didn't know it was going to hurt quite so much.

"It was a motel really, a motor court, that had seen better days." Paxton looked to Lily to add something.

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