Chapter 24

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Lily sat in the chair in front of the mirror watching as June fixed her makeup up for the upcoming scene she had to shoot with Finn, Jo, and Tom. It had felt odd to come back into the dressing room after what had happened with Mudd, but after a few minutes, her anxiety had eased.

She noted that everything was where it should be, and there was no sign of the struggle that had taken place. The women hadn't asked any questions, and she wasn't sure if they were discreet or if Mason had told them the subject was off limits. They hadn't even mentioned that Mudd was no longer working for the company, but the word was out because she had heard some guys on the set mention that he had mysteriously disappeared.

Finn was true to his word, and after he had made her and Mike a fortifying breakfast of Fruity Pebbles then seen Mike off on the shuttle that took him to his day camp, he had accompanied her to the police department, giving his statement that backed up her own. Mason had shown up as well, insisting that they wanted to press charges when Lily had tried to back out of it because she didn't want to cause a scandal. The police didn't have much hope that it would come to anything. They issued a warrant, but Mudd had already vacated his apartment, and his car was missing. He was long gone.

The odd thing was that no one had heard from Cindy since Mudd had left. That little tidbit was floating around set. No one knew why Mudd had left, just that he had and they weren't supposed to talk about it, but he had taken Cindy with him, and Lily couldn't suppress a shiver at the poor girl's unknown fate.

"Are you alright? You cold?" June asked as she noted her shiver.

"No, only nervous about this afternoon's shoot." It wasn't a lie. The scene had her, Finn, Jo, and Tom. It was an action scene, and Lily was dreading it. She knew her klutziness was bound to get someone maimed if not killed.

"You'll be fine." June insisted as she swiped the brush across her nose one last time. "Maybe it will be a chance for Tom and Jo to reconnect."

"Reconnect?" Lily asked, confused by the term.

"Sure, it's about that time in the season where they do." June spun her around so Lily could have a look at her handiwork.

"Jo and Tom are together?" Lily was staring at June, not her nicely made of reflection.

June looked over at Bianca and Monica, who were working on costumes at a table behind her.

"Jo and Tom are married, didn't you know?" Monica frowned.

"No!" Lily said, her eyes growing wide. "I knew Tom was married but not to Jo. At least now it makes sense why he's always staring at her, and why they fight so much without ever saying anything to each other."

Bianca smiled at Lily's description of Tom's and Jo's relationship. "Last season Tom latched onto one of the actresses who played a ghost that was a regular. He flirted and complimented her. I think it was his way to try and make Jo jealous, but about two-thirds of the way through filming there was a fight scene between Jo and Tom, and they made up. I think this year Jo decided to get a headstart and targeted Finn. Luckily, Finn knows the lay of the land and isn't taking either one of them seriously."

Lily digested this piece of news. It put a whole new spin on the situation, one that Lily wasn't expecting.

"We're ready on set, Lily!" one of the younger assistant producers said as he stuck his head around the door.

"Here we go. Hopefully, I don't kill anyone," Lily joked as she stood and reached for her shoes.

When she arrived on set, Jo was hanging onto Finn, and she and Tom were in a staring contest. Lily had a sudden idea, and she sat down, putting her shoes on as she planned her little scene. She wanted to test the waters with Jo and see how serious her flirting was with Finn.

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