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Chpater 1

°Friday 12th of October

                   In a town filled with numerous people, all fake and real, a town where everyone knows everyone including their business, lies a girl who is the town's sweetheart and sees everything colourful.

That's how my story would have started if the whole ' girl sees everything colourful ' was true. But actually my story starts with me releasing a string of curses and tripping on the items of clothes on the floor.

Today is graduation day and to say that I was freaking out would be an understatement. I'm not freaking out because of graduating in general, no, I'm actually freaking out because I have nothing to wear. If only I would have listened to my best friend, Penny, when she told me to go shopping for today. Nope, instead I chose to stay in and sleep. Now I'm paying the price.

I can't even call her for help knowing that she'd most definitely throw the "I told you" card on me.

  Giving up, I sigh and fall on my bed. This is honestly hopeless. At this rate, I might even arrive late at school.

Suddenly, my bedroom door opens up. I lift my head and see the head maid, and also my second mother, entering. I go back to lying on my bed while looking at the white ceiling.

"Isn't today your big day?" Mary asks.

I sigh once again. "Yeah it is."

"Then, my love, tell me why you're sitting there like you've given up on the world?" Her warm tone brings a smile on my face.

Mary has always been there for me when my own mother and father were always absent, which is a lot might I add. When they left for months she was here nursing me. Honestly speaking, the bond between her and I is stronger than the bond between both my parents, combined.

I lift my body up and lean on the headboard. Crossing my arms across my chest, I look at Mary as she starts picking up the items even when I told her not too.

"Because I have nothing to wear." I throw my hands in a surrender form.

Mary looks up at me and cocks her head to the side. "Then I'm guessing you'd be happy,"

I frown. "For what?"

She smiles at me and leaves my room without uttering another word. I stare at the door she just left in but within minutes, she walks back in holding a black box in her hand.

I jump off my bed and walk to her. "Mary what's that?" I point the box.

She smiles at me and let's her blue eyes pierce through my brown eyes. "I know that your mother wouldn't have even cared about what you wear today, but I do." She hands the box to me which I take. I swallow the lump in my throat feeling the tears starting to form. "I knew that my little girl would be too tired to go shopping, as she always is. So I went shopping during my break and got you this."

Mary opens the box and my eyes widen at the items inside. Inside the box is a light brown, almost champagne-like dress. It has a V-shape that will show a little cleavage. The chest has a few diamonds making it stand out, and there is also a long slit on it.

My free hand cups my mouth keeping me from letting out any sounds.

"Mary this is-" I can't even form a full sentence without wanting to cry.

She nods and smiles, her eyes also glistening with tears. "I couldn't let you graduate wearing a pair of sweaters, right?" She teases causing the both us to chuckle.

"Yeah you're right." I look back at the beautiful dress. Though I don't really like dresses, I'm willing to wear it because Mary bought it.

Yeah, yeah, only because of that.

Ohhhh who am I kidding. This dress is the most beautiful dress ever so of course I'll be wearing it.

"Now let's get you all dolled before you're late." She says before I agree with her.


It took Mary about an hour and a half to finish "dolling me up".

My brunette hair is in light waves. The make-up she put on me is also light since I do not like heavy make-up, and she also added nude lipstick. I'm wearing the diamond earrings she bought. Mary insisted that I wear my white high heels my mother bought for me but I refused. So now I'm wearing my white Converse.

What? They are comfortable.

Just as I finish dressing, my phone pings alerting me that I have a new message. I unlock it and read the message.

Penny: I am waiting outside. Hurry your ass out, I want to see those cute boys before it's too late.

I laugh at the text message. Only Penny will say that.

I look at Mary and smile at her. "Thank you so much for this." I gesture at the dress. "I have to leave now."

She stands up from my bed and engulfs me into a hug once she comes close. "Let's go." She says as she let's go.


The graduation ceremony is being held outside on the school sports ground since the hall is too small to accommodate both parents and students.

Penny squeals beside me taking me by surprise. "Look at Samuel, isn't he dreamy." She gushes as she looks at her all time crush since sophomore year.

I roll my eyes but smile regardless. "I don't think it's healthy to obsess over him since today is the last day you'll ever see him."

Penny sighs. "Don't remind me."

I remember when Penny came over at mine one day with tears rolling on her cheeks. She cried for hours without telling me why. But when she finally did, I started feeling both annoyed and sorry for her. Annoyed because I missed an episode of How To Get Away With Murder.

Reason being she only cried because Samuel now had a new girlfriend.

Dramatic as always.

  Penny and I both make our way to the gym hall where we both receive our gowns and hats. We already know where we are supposed to be sitting, so we wear our gowns and head outside.

Since Penny's second name starts with S, and mine starts with M, we say goodbye to each other sit at the seats.

The ceremony starts shortly after. A speech by the Principal, a choir song and a speech by last year's Valedictorian, and this year's, later, they start calling out names. When it's my turn, I go to the stage with a large smile on my face.

I don't know why but my eyes wonder over the crowd hoping to see my parents. My heart clenches when I don't see them anyway but it recovers when I see Mary with a large camera waving fast and annoyed parents behind her. I smile back at her and wave.

The Principal calls on stage another person leaving me and walk off the stage but I can't help but notice a figure sitting at the far end. I don't have time to check who it is when a person ushers me out.



Hello fellow wattpadians!! First I'd like to thank you for giving this book a chance. I am really going to enjoy writing it, I just hope that you'd appreciate my efforts.

I don't know when I'll be updating but I'll try to update frequently.

P.S- the picture of Alison's dress is at the top.

Question Of The Chapter (QOTC) : "what is your first ever book you read on Wattpad if you still remember?"

My answer? : "The last virgin standing". The book also had me in tears for some reason.

Don't forget to vote comment and share ❤️ until next time

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