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Chapter 29

           Sleeping over with Blaire and Penny was exactly what I needed. From spending the night with them I was able to see how I'm going to assist my husband in all of these. This little hiccup isn't going up change anything between the two of us because if anything, it should make us stronger.

I close the front door and as I do, I hear music playing from the kitchen so I make my way to there. When I enter, I see Leo dancing to a hype tune with Olivia and Tyler cheering on them from the counter. If it was a stranger, he or she would've thought the three are a family judging by this small scene.

I clear my throat and speak up, "Looks like everyone is having fun this morning?" I ask with a small smile causing the pair to stop dancing around.

They snap their heads at me and break apart. Leo switches off the music. "Oh Alison, I didn't see you there." Olivia says as she puts Tyler on a chair.

Leo makes his way to me and when he reaches me, he hugs me and kisses my lips softly. "Morning Sunshine. I'm guessing you had a lovely night with the girls last night, yeah?"

I smile remembering how fun it was. "Yes, but I didn't get to drink because I was the designated driver." I pout at that which only earns a throaty laugh from Leo.

"I for one think they helped you with that. You know how you get when you're drunk."

I gasp and hit his chest playfully. "I an not that bad."

He laughs showing me his dimples that I've actually missed. "Hmm, how about you go freshen up before going to school then come eat with us? Olivia is making breakfast today."

I look behind Leo and see that indeed she was cooking. I smile back at him and nod. "Just give me a few and I'll be right down.* I kiss his lips before heading to our room.

   After showering and fixing my hair into a ponytail, I wear my black jeans with a grey hoodie and white sneakers.

I take my backpack filled with my school books and head downstairs to the kitchen. But as soon as I enter I see Olivia already taking the now dirty dishes into the sink.

She turns to me shortly after that and fakes remorse, "Oh my, I'm so sorry. The food wasn't as enough as I thought it was." She gestures at the empty bowls of food.

Leo looks at me with a sorry expression. "I'm sorry love, I forgot we had to save some for you. The food was just too delicious to resist." You've never said that about my cooking.

"It's okay, I'm already running late." I settle for an apple with yoghurt and made my way outside without saying a word or leaving room for conversation.

Is it possible to get annoyed by Olivia day by day?


Ms Rai enters the lecture room with a box in hand and places it on top of her table. "Settle down class, settle down." The class quiets down. "I'll go straight to the point od today's lecture. For the past months since we started, we've been focusing on the art of acting including the background and covering different emotions. I think it's safe to say that we've mastered being in front of the camera, but what about being behind the camera.

Which is why for the remaining three months of our academic year you'll be writing a script, or a novel if you wish." She explains.

Jason, one of my classmates, raises his hand. "Can it be a two page story? Like a childrens' book?" He asks with a feign innocence.

"If you want to get an F then sure." The class cackles. "But that just brings me to an important part. You story must be movie worthy, so a two page story won't cut it Jason. It must be a minimum of 15 pages."

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