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Chapter 25

             The wedding day was amazing, even though it was planned and forced upon me, the emotions felt real and it will forever be listed as one of my best days.

Now, the following day, I'm sitting in Leo's private jet as we fly off to Italy. I smile at Leo who's sitting beside me. Italy has always been one of the places I've been dying to visit. Of course my parents have both been there a couple of times but everytime they went there, they left me behind.

Yet Leonardo, my husband, decided to keep our honeymoon destination a secret until last night, and I can't honestly wait!

Leo types away on his laptop, frowning in frustration and occasionally running his hand through his hair. Deciding I've had enough of this, I take his hands in mine and shake my head at him.

"I thought we agreed no work this week," I point out.

Leo chuckles and kisses my lips gently. "Okay, I'm sorry, it's just that I don't know if I could leave Alex in charge of my company, the guy is a nutcase on some days." He sighs and shakes his head.

"But I'm sure he'll do great, just trust him. "

He nods, "Give me just a few minutes to finish this off and I'll. Be. Right. With. You." He kisses me once again with every word.

  It only takes him a few minutes of typing and writing down notes before he puts his work away and looks at me with a smile. "Hi,"

I giggle and put my hand under my cheek, batting my eyes at him. "Hi."

Leo pulls me in his arms and makes me lean into him more, letting my head rest on his hard chest. "So, are you excited for our honeymoon?"

My eyes widen and I look into his eyes, "Are you kidding me? I can't wait to see The Colosseum, Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, Roman Forum and the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Oh, and the food too, " I moan just thinking about it, causing Leo to tighten his hold on me.

"I know you're excited and all but Sunshine, don't ever moan like that because I'll end up doing something I might regret, especially not in front of these people." He groans.

A blush makes its way on my cheeks and I lean in closer to his chest to hide, but it seems like I didn't do a great job as he chuckles.

"But honestly, I'm glad we're doing this. I know that this was initially fake and the wedding was planned for publicity stunt but everything felt real." I explain to him. 

Wow, that sounded better in my head, now I just sound cliché.

Leo strokes my head gently and hums in agreement. "I know I've never said this before, but I'm really sorry for the deal. I... I can't explain it to you right here and now but I promise I will."

I frown at that, what does that mean? "Don't worry your pretty little head about it. Now tell me all about your plans, and I'll tell you all about my plans for you when I'm alone with you in our room." He starts kissing my neck causing me to giggle.


Let me just tell you one thing, Italy is beautiful, beyond beautiful even!

We landed about an hour ago and now we've arrived at the hotel we'll be sleeping in for a week.

"I can't believe you glared at the receptionist and were this close to slapping her." Leonardo laughs.

I laugh with him and shrug, "Well do you blame me? She basically called me a gold digging hoe with a smile which is worse! Plus she let her hand linger on your hand for a while when she gave you the key thinking I wouldn't notice."

Leo traps me on the wall and ensuring that there is absolutely no space between the two of us. "I wouldn't worry about that because I'm all yours."

He leans down and starts kissing my neck soft and slowly. Feeling the pleasure from it, I grip his shoulders from firmly so I wouldn't fall. Leo nibbles on my neck before stepping back and smirking at me, knowing exactly how frustrated I am.

"I think we better unpack before exploring." That's all he says before walking into our room.

I groan and roll my eyes. He sure does know how to press my buttons.


Hey Everyone!

I'm sorry I haven't been updating but thing is I've been swamped with work and it makes writing close to impossible. But I'll try my best.

Now for the important question, even though I've asked it before, how's everyone?

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