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Chapter 22

Okay, breath in, breath out, breath in, breath out. This isn't the first time doing an interview, and it's certainly not your last.

I sigh, and rub my sweaty hands nervously. Damn Leonardo for making me this nervous, and he has the guts to ask me if I'm okay.

If he said that before leaving the house, I swear I would've turned and stripped out of my clothes because there was no way I was going.

Yet, here I am, sited on the soft comfortable chair with Leonardo on my side letting his large hand engulf my small one as Angel interviewed us.

The show was not filmed in front of a live audience like the one before, instead it was just the crew, the host and the guests, which is us, so that's better right?

   "So we have heard news about you getting married but we don't actually know when the date is, mind sharing with us?" Angel asks.

Date? That's something we haven't discussed yet. Come to think of it, I thought Leonardo would have wanted to get married as soon as possible, but I've been staying here for about two months or so yet he hasn't said anything. Doesn't he want to get married anymore?

Leonardo looks at me and smile before looking back at Angel, "Well, funny you've brought that up because my love and I have decided to hold the event in a weeks time."

Hold. The. Phone.

If I was drinking water or anything, I'm sure I would've spill all over the table.

What the heck? I didn't know I was getting married in a weeks time, and isn't it a bit short notice to plan the whole thing?

Angel gasps and chuckles, "Isn't that amazing? I'm hoping to be invited because I want to be one of the lucky people to witness the happiness between the two of you." She gashes over it. "And speaking of happiness, tell me about the lovely picnic you two heard, which, by the way, was posted on your page Mr O'Neil. Thank you very much that." As soon as she says that, a picture pops up on a screen behind us.

There it is, the picture of Leonardo and I at the picnic the other day, looking as happy as ever but that was not how I am feeling at this moment. I am livid.

Leonardo's chuckle brings me out of my thoughts. "Oh, that was a great day for my love over here, wasn't it?"

I nod and smile tightly. "Of course it was. It was actually Leonardo's idea and it came as a shock to me because I wasn't expecting it." I manage to say.

Angel sighs happily and smiles, "You really are setting an example to all these youngsters who want to stay as bachelors." She turns to the camera. "Well, that's all for today, tune in next week as we interview-"


   "That was actually a good one, right?" Leonardo begins a conversation as we enter the kitchen.

I hum in agreement and pour myself a glass of wine.

"And at least she didn't ask for a kiss from us like the last one." He chuckles and shakes his head. Once again, I hum in agreement.

He stops what he was doing and walks over to me. My back is on the kitchen counter with Leonardo being just an arm's length away.

"Are you okay? You seem a bit tense." His face filled with worry.

I avert my eyes away from him and shake my head, "I can't believe you did that." I whispered.


"I can't believe you did that," I repeat but raise my head and look at him. "I can't believe you sent someone to take a picture of us. I can't believe you posted that precious moment between the two of us. And I can't believe that what I thought was so sacred and special was actually an act for the audience." I place the wine on the counter and side step him. "Well done, you've played me good." With that I leave him and walk to my room.

I feel numb, I don't know if I should cry, be angry or just be sad.

  I take off my clothes, wipe of the make-up and undo my hair. Then I wear my sleeping clothes before getting into bed, my escape.

Ever since I got here it seems like my relationship with Leonardo has been mostly downs than ups and honestly, it's exhausting. I can't handle going through a hectic rollercoaster like this but at the same time he has grown on me, and I don't know if that's good or bad for me.

With those thoughts, I let the darkness consume me.


I hear the door slowly open and it instantly awakens me from my sleep. The only reason for that was because it hasn't been that long since I've slept.

"Fuck, she's asleep, I can't do this with her asleep." I hear Leo cuss under his breath.

I stay in my position pretending to be asleep only to see where this is going to go.

"She's already upset about the whole thing and waking her up will only make matters worse." This time I hear him pace up and down, and I'm sure he's even running his hand through his hair as he does that.

Suddenly, the movement stops. "Maybe I should just leave." The movements begin and I don't know what possessed me but before he could leave the room, I stop him.

"Wait," I sit up straight and press the button that lights the room. And there standing by the door is Leo with paper bags, flowers and a very large teddy bear that's almost his size. "I'm awake, what did you want to tell me."

Leo sighs and walks over until he's standing at the edge of my bed. "Alison I'm very sorry for what happened. I didn't send anyone to where we are, the only person who knew of where we were going is Blaire and my publicist, Andrea. So between the two of them someone must've taken the picture and posted it because honestly, I don't even have time for social media. And," he says and drops the things on the bed before walking to me. "I really did mean for the picnic to be a wonderful day for the both of us, for you. I enjoyed each and every second spent with you Sunshine and I'll never take that lightly."

As soon as he finishes his speech, he's hand caresses my cheek, something that he has grown to do. "With that being said, Alison, I think I'm starting to feel things for you." My eyes widen at that, my heart starts beating at a strangely fast rate and butterflies erupt in my stomach.

"You make me think about you each and every moment of the day. You make me see you wherever I go. You make me want to touch you every minute. I feel empty when you're not around me for the longest of time. Ever since you arrived here you started changing how I see the world. You made me see it as a bright place and not the darkness I saw everytime, and for that, I thank you." I don't know how this happened, but he ended up kneeling with both knees in front of me. "I'm sorry for the pain I've caused you and the hardships, but I'm willing to change that now. Alison I think I'm in love with you."

There it was. The words that made my tears to stream down my cheeks.

"Uh, why are you crying? Did I say something bad? I'm sorry please don't cry." Leonardo says with worry and starts wiping my tears away.

I shake my head, "No you idiot, there's are happy tears because I think I'm in love with you too."

A smile breaks on Leonardo's face which is soon followed by a laugh. He sudden engulfs me into a tight hug and says, "Thank you."

I don't ask for what but instead, I hug him back and chuckle.

Thank you for finally making me happy.


Shit, I just realised I didn't publish chapter 22, I'm really sorry for the confusion. 😭

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