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Chapter 36

          *Three months since Alison left*

     You know when everyone keeps saying that pregnancy makes you glow and is the most beautiful time of your life? Well they lied!

I'm already four months pregnant and I feel like shit.

No, my pregnancy bump is not that big yet so at least I haven't reached the "I look like a whale" stage. But it's the emotions that count, the fucking roller coaster emotions that count.

Yes, I'm still snapping at every that walks, breathes, eat and sits the wrong way. It seems like everything annoys the fuck out of me this days. And to say that Mary and my parents are finding it both annoying and funny would be correct.

"Are you even listening to me?" Mum asks out loud causing me to look at her.

I roll my eyes, "Well if you want me to listen at you, at least say something interesting." I snap and apologize. See! I told you!

I stand up from my comfy chair that dad bought for me last month, and walk to her. "What is that anyway?" I point at the screen projecting different shade of colours and paint cans on the table.

"Really? You haven't been listening to me for 30 whole minutes?" She cries dramatically and waves her hands.

I shrug. "I was thinking about my baby and life in general." Mostly Leonardo.

Fuck, I miss him. It has been three months since I last saw him and my heart still aches whenever I think about him. I want nothing more than to pick up the phone and call him, ask him how he is and how much I miss him. But I can't, not until he fixes his mess.

Though, each and every week he has been sending me money into my account. Approximately $10 000. EACH WEEK. I don't need it since my parents take care of me - mostly because of guilt but who am I to stop them - and because I know he'll track my card as soon as I use it.

But, I think it's safe to say that I now have $120 000 in my account. I'm not going to use it but I'll save it for my baby.

  A lot has happened over the past months excluding Leo. My parents and I are slowly but surely getting to know each other more.

Weird. To think that parents are the people that know their child more than anyone and we're only getting to know each other now? I guess we are a special case.

Now I'm comfortable with then and I really believe that I can forgive them for their behaviour, but I'll never forget.

"You're doing it again." My mother whines from behind me.

I laugh and raise hands in surrender. "I think I'm a little hungry. I'll be downstairs and you can finish deciding on the colour." I make my way to the door, "and remember mother, no blue or pink because I don't yet know the gender."

I really don't know the gender and I don't want to know. I want the whole thing to be a surprise for me. But either way, I'm happy with either boy or girl.

   I enter my room with a sandwich in my hand as I munch away on it.

Feeling that I miss my two beat friends, I decide to Skype them. It only takes a few minutes for everyone to connect and Penny is the first to speak.

"You motherfucking pregnant woman!" She starts with that, nostrils big with anger. If this were a cartoon show, I'm sure smoke will be coming out to.

"Woah! What have I done?"

She points a finger at me. "I specifically told you to call me first thing when you arrive and you decide to call three months later. What? Did you fucking walk there?"

Realisation strikes me at the fact that I indeed haven't called them. I've been so busy with my life and parents that I completely forgot about them.

Great, now I feel guilty and my eyes starts to blur with tears filled inside of them. "I'm really sorry you guys. I... I didn't notice that it has been that long." I cry.

Blaire glares at the screen, probably at Penny. "Look what you did you fool. You just made a pregnant woman cry." She shakes her head in disbelief. "I understand Ali, it's okay. You have a lot on your plate and at least you called us now than never, right Penny?"

Penny sighs and nods, anger completely vanished from her face. "Yeah, and I'm sorry for shouting and cussing, I didn't mean that." She apologizes. "Now wipe your mamma tears and that bugger that's practically performing on your nostril." She points out.

I gasp and take a tissue, immediately wiping my nose. That's when the two of them laugh, causing me to glare at them. "Haha, laugh it all out would you."

It only takes them two minutes to sober up. "Okay, okay. How are you though?" Blaire asks.

I swallow the last of the sandwich and shrug, "Okay, I'm barely there but I guess things have been good with my parents and I. We fixed things."

They both widen their eyes. "Really?" Penny shouts. "What happened?" I dive into the story they told me when I arrived and how things have been, by the time I'm finished they have smiles on their faces. Well, Blaire does, Penny is just looking at me with a blank face.

"I'm not sure about this whole thing but if they are treating you good then who am I to complain." She says. I know how hard this is to her too, she was practically always there for me when shit hit fan. And now that she's away from me, it must be hard on her that I'm here along and she's all the way there.

"Don't worry Penny, I'm alright." I ensure her. "Um, Blaire, how's Leo doing?" I ask with a blush on my face. I quickly move my hair to cover my face but they already saw it, judging by the smirks on their faces.

"He's... well he's not that good actually." I lean forward, sitting on the edge of the chair as she starts. "He has been arriving late at work, snapping at everyone, and sometimes he doesn't even go to work."

Is it really that bad?

"Oh, it gets worse. Apparently, Leo now drinks to drown his sorrows. Alex's words." Penny adds.

Thank you for making me feel much better you guys.

I groan and cover my face. "I'm conflicted you guys. I want to call him so much but he has to solve the situation with Olivia." The word comes out bitter than intended.

"Well, Alex told me that before you left, he was actually house hunting for a house for Olivia. Now that you're gone, it's on hold so they still leave there." Blaire says.

I swallow the lump in my throat. So Leonardo was not going to allow them to stay for long? But what happened in the room was a clear indication of how much he loves her.

"You said he only stood still and didn't push her away. So what if as soon as you turned he regained consciousnesses and pushed her away? You don't know the full story." Penny explains and I can't help but agree with her.

But he treated me like shit. I can't just ignore that.

"Wait, how did you... did I say it out loud?" I ask Penny.

"Yes!" They both say.

I roll my eyes at them. "Whatever losers! I'm going to eat dinner so bye."

"But you just ate." Blaire points out.

I give her a flat look. "Your point being?"

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