Chapter 9

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I was in deep shock, what did Bhai said, Manik and? like The Manik Malhotra, like the arrogant jerk Manik... No no, a big No, no, no, no, never, this can't happen never in my bad dreams. I started panicking and looked around everyone was looking at Bhai for explanation. 

Yes, why do he think making me married to Manik is the best idea, come on this is the worst of worst idea. 

Cabir - What, why are you guyz staring at me like that, didn't you guyz get it?

Mukti - Get what Cabir, what are you even talking about, do you even hear yourself?

Cabir - I did Madam, but I think u all didn't.. Okay let me explain.

"See Manik needs a temporary bride for Neyo Mom right and Nandini is not ready to get married soon, but the only problem of her solution is marriage. So Nandini can be that temporary bride of Manik and this will solve both his and Nandini's problem. Manik is strong both financially and physically. He can protect Nandini from her evil relatives and will help her in getting back everything in return Nandini will stay in his house pretending to be the perfect wife for one year, simple."

I was still processing the information when Navya shouted in happiness and pondered over Cabir squeezing him.

"Oh my god baby, why didn't I thought of this. Yes this is the perfect way to help both our friends because I can trust Manik with Nandini and you all can trust Nandu for Manik. This is just the perfect solution, Manik didn't have to look out for any other girl outside whom we can't trust to keep his secret and Nandu doesn't need to be scared because I know Manik can protect her well..."

And now everyone is praising Bhai for his brilliant idea, they all were convinced that this marriage is the perfect solution for Manik and I.  But is this all right, no!! I don't think so. Manik and I are two totally different person, and as far as I know he hates me and I also don't have some good feelings about him, it would be so hard for me to live with him under one roof.. Oh Aiyappa now what new problem is this...

Everyone is looking at me and Manik to say something, I don't know what to tell them and don't know why Manik is quite too, neither he took out any flaw in this plan, nor did he acknowledge anything, he is just too quiet unlike his nature. I felt this was a silence before storm and I got ready to get bowled by his response. But nothing such happened as he get up looked at everyone, his eyes linger on me for a bit more and then he left saying he needs to go for a meeting.

Now what the hell was that?

Aliya - Why did Manik left abruptly, guyz did he got angry or what?

Mukti - I don't think he is angry, I guess maybe just confused, maybe he just need time to think on this.

"He had a very important meeting that's why he left and obviously he need some time to think. This might be a contract marriage that they both will do just to help each other but they both need their own time to think about it and Nandu I want you to really consider this marriage. Whatever is yours you will get it all back if you agreed to marry him. Manik might seem like rude and arrogant Man but I can promise you one thing, he will never take advantage of you or your situation. Indeed he will protect you so just think about it bachha..."

Cabir Bhai said and patted my head whilst I nodded. I want some lone time to process all this information, so I made my way towards my room... Everyone else too left from there for their work... And I collapsed on my bed with the thoughts of that arrogant stranger!!


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