Chapter 49

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I was not in a mood to leave this bed anytime soon but Aiyappa wanted otherwise... I cursed the moment when I forgot to close the curtains last night because now the rays of sun were making it too difficult for me to sleep... Last night was tiring, I slept quite late and decided already to not wake up early in the morning..

But see here I am just because of my stupidity... Life is weird, so strange.. You don't have any idea what's going to happen just the next moment.. Still you try to predict..

Well in my case, my life was just a daily soap drama from past two years.. yes it was normal in Vegas but the day I put my feet in India everything changed... So much happened in those Two years... That heart wrenching stay at my Uncle and Aunt... That nightmare of getting married with Madhyam and then my most brave move, Escape... Yes, if only I could have done it sooner, life would be more easy don't you gyz think so..
But still it was great, because I have some wonderful people with me... My friends, my brothers, Mom and Pappa...

But that day my stupidity paid me a huge price, I wanted to catch the murderers of my parents... Manik tried to stop me but I never listen and see what it leads to, I was almost raped and Manik he was, well he almost die... Okay so the keyword here is almost... Yes he didn't die that day.. please don't even think so.. My husband is fit and fine and just lying beside me see.. Awe he looks too cute and innocent when asleep.. while I only know the truth... I turned to look at him and my heart melts.. I just got lucky to have this Man in my life.. His grip was tight on my waist just like always.. A smile crept on my face...

Okay okay calm down, I know you all want to know what happened that day.. Well the gun was shot but it was Satya aunty who took the bullet.. it was shot directly in her heart so she died on the spot... And luckily Cabir Bhai And Manyu both came exactly at same time with police so Maddy and Soha didn't get the chance to run away and they were caught.. They all were sentenced to jail for physical abuse and attempt to murder of mine and planning the murder of my parents and Manik's Dad...

Manik wasn't charged for Satya Aunty's death because the trigger was pulled by her only so there were no charges pressed against him... Harshad divorced Soha and proved to be a loyal friend to Manik and we all were thankful to him... Manyu went into depression after all this.. After all they were his parents and I could understand what he went through when he saw his Mom dying right in front of his eyes... He broke down that day... But Mukti and I helped him get back to normal and finally he is okay...

It's been whole one month since that accident.. And we all were trying to move past that phase... Manik was being extra careful and clingy since that day, he never leaves me alone and never let me go out all by myself... Sometimes I get irritated but I know he is just scared too loose me and that make me love him more... I got my passport back and Manik took me to Vegas.. I cried when I step in my old house. All the memories came rushing back but thankfully Manik was there with me... Abhimanyu was taking care of our parents hospital really well so Manik and I decided that he should only keep it.. He was overwhelmed when he received the paper... He wanted to continue living in Vegas only but as we all were in Mumbai so he decided to come every Month for whole one week to live with us... Mukti too agreed for this...

I was happy that everything was settled and now there were no villains in my life... Well I know there will be some more difficult situation we will face because life is not always easy but I know if I have Manik and my family with me, I will overcome every situation...

Today is our wedding reception and Mom has literally invited the whole Mumbai. She was really happy, her and Pappa's relationship seems too be progressing well, I hope they both too get their happily ever after...

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