Chapter 48

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I don't know how much time have passed, but no one came to rescue me.. My arms were started paining badly.. They had tied me so hard, bitches can't go a bit easy on me. They were not even removing the tape from my mouth... I so wanted to yell.. Oh Aiyappa please just get me out of here.. I looked around to see if I can escape, it seemed like a old store room with lots of old and useless stuff, then there were stairs to go up..

It means this was the basement, so I have to go up in order to escape and that was not really possible as the 3 eagles were right here gawking at me like their prey.

Soha - Aunty till how long do we have to stay here? it's too hot in here..

Madhyam - Yes Aunty and what are we going to do with her?

Satya - We need to wait here till we know the coast is clear outside.. And dear Nandu misses her Amma Appa so much Nah, so I have decided I am going to send her their.. Now, now I am not too evil, I can grant her this one wish...

And my eyes grew wide, she is really going to kill me.. Oh no Aiyappa and then to confirm my fear she took out a pistol from her bag.. No no, no Aiyappa please you can't let this happen.. Manik Malhotra where the hell are you just get your ass back here...

I miss you Amma Appa but I want to live, Now when I have every good reason to live, I can't get killed.. When I have  realized my undying love for my Jerk of a Husband, Aiyappa can't separate me from him, he will die.. And Manyu and Cabir Bhai they both will go crazy.. No, please Aiyappa no..

Madhyam- But Aunty if we will kill her, we will be under the radar because Harshad knows that last she was with us only. 

Soha - Yeah Bhai is right..

Satya - What do you both think, why we kept her in Harshad's house after kidnapping hee nor somewhere else?

And they both look questioningly at her, even I was confused.. Why didn't she take me anywhere else.. why I am in Harshad's house..

Satya - When police will find Nandini's dead body in Harshad's house, so he will be the one who would be charged for her murder and will be sentenced to Jail. Then Soha will be free to go to Manik. While Harshad's whole business will be take over by you. Good plan right?

Soha - You are a genius Aunty.. Excellent plan.. In one shot we will get rid from both Harshad and Nandini. Then nobody will be able to separate me from my Manik. No body will ever.

What a Bitch, Harshad is such a nice guy and she is planning such thing for him.. Oh no Aiyappa, don't let this happen.. Harshad's life will be spoiled.. And seriously, she think Manik will marry her if I am dead.. Hunnn in her dreams... No matter I am there or not, but shill will not be there at any cost..

Madhyam- You seriously are a Master mind Bua..  Let me take a bow.. I am totally impressed..

Satya - Your Aunt's hair are not turned white just like that Son. 

Soha - So what are we waiting for let's kill her before we are caught and let's just get out of here..

Oh no, Oh no.. Is he planning a Bollywood entry or what, why the hell is he not here.. Am I really going to die..

Madhyam- But one thing is proved today that you love Soha more than me.

Satya - Aww and who said this to my Baby. I love both of you equally only, I promise...

Madhyam-  You are making Soha meet her lover boy Manik but what about me. If you will kill her, I will not get anything at all...

He looked me up and down with lust in his eyes and I squirm under his gaze.. No, is he saying what I think he is saying bloody bastard.. Don't even think about touching me Maddy don't come near me...

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