Chapter 40

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We all had so much fun back at the cliff, seriously it felt so good to enjoy your time carefree with friends.. These gyz just came as a blessing in my life and I can't thank Aiyappa enough for all this especially for giving me Manik.. Yes, I want to admit that my husband is the best gift Aiyappa could have ever gave me... The way he is fulfilling all the duties of a husband, the way he is protecting me, supporting me in everything is just aww worthy... I know Manik is giving a chance to our relationship and the thought only make me happy..

Navya - Ahemm Ahemm I know that your husband is oh so handsome but that really doesn't mean that you should stare at him wide eye in public, doesn't look good you know...

Nandini - Shut up Navya...

Aliya - What Shut up Navya, we all can see how you both exchange looks now a days.. So what's cooking han?

Nandini - Why don't we start from Mukti, You and Manyu hmm? well not bad, so tell us nah how come you and Bhai are together?

Mukti - Very smart Sister in law, You shifted all the attention on me.. But no, it's so long that we girls had catch up and You really need to tell us what's going on with you and Manik.. And Abhi and I, he is just great and we are so in love.. I can't imagine my life without him...

Aww how sweet, I am so happy for both of them, I know Mukti is just perfect for Bhai, I hugged her immediately and Navya and Aliya soon joined..

Aliya - Okay enough now come on Nandini spill the beans, Are you gyz in love?

"I don't know Aliya, I have no idea if this is love or not but before this wedding when Navya and Cabir told me about Manik's past, that moment only I decided that I want to give this relationship a chance... Right now I am doing the same but after marriage Manik is also putting efforts in this relationship, I can sense that he too want to give our wedding a shot.. So basically it's no more a contract marriage and we both are trying to live up to each other's expectation.. But talking about love, I don't know.."

Mukti - If love hasn't happened yet, it will happen soon. Moreover, isn't this good enough that you both are at least  trying.. You guyz are just perfect for each other.. I am always a Manan fan...

Nandini - Manan?

Navya - Manik's Man and Nandini's Nan, combined it forms Manan..

Nandini - You guyz shipped us?

Aliya - of course we did and yes that's me, I have a ship name for everyone, see Manan, Cavya, Dhruliya and the latest is Mukhbhi.. Isn't it great?

Nandini - of course it is...

Navya - I am glad that you and Manik are doing good together, you are my bestie and I always wish the best for you and trust me when I say this Manik is the best...

Mukti - Okay now cut this Aunties talk, let's talk about some real stuff, So Nandu have you taken your relationship to the next level?

Nandini - What next level?

Navya - Oh are sweet innocent Nandu, we are asking about the things that people do after coming into a relationship...

Nandini - What they do Navya?

Mukti - oh god seriously you are too innocent for your own good, we are talking about sex, had you guyz had sex or even make out you know?

And I turned beetroot red, what the hell these guyz are talking about, sex and me... Oh no Aiyappa these girls have no filter...

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