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P'Forth... Can you hear me? Please... stay alive.


"Why P'?"

The guy in his black hoody fixes his sleeves. He pays a look at the young kid who is staring at him now. They are waiting for the kid's mom so they can go together after. He looks at the clock, it's 10:40 five minutes more and this kid's mom will arrive.

"Nothing. I just keep on hearing things."

"Maybe because you're too good these past few days."

"What are you saying? When did I became good for the kind of you?"

"P'... Let me wait for mom even though it's not necessary. And I know right now, you hear voices that asking for help again. After you drop us to where we belong you are planning to help him too right?"

He looks at the kid confuse, how does he knew it's a" him" he is hearing?


The kid nodded and pointed the room in the corner, near the room where there is chaos - - - where his mom is.

"The guy in there keeps on saying a certain name for 3 days now. He might have a good relationship with him, out of the voices here 'his' stands out the most.".

He was shocked to hear what the kid says, and think why can he do that? Does that mean---


He looks up immediately, he didn't notice it's 10:45 already. When he looks at the kid's Mom he notice something different. She's glowing and her face can't be recognize.

"It's only natural that you can't see me. I am also like you, but decided to be with a human. Let's go. Your time is running out."

He followed them, there's so many questions in his mind but he just keeps on looking. His duty is to pick up souls not to interrogate them.

"You are too young to be a Deity."

"There are 4 of us. The one became mortal last - - -"


"How do you know him?"

"He is always with the brother of the guy in room 302. We used to talk, he said he oversleep and doesn't execute his plan before giving up his Sovereignty."

"What does he mean?"

"He is taking care of his last case. He planned to exchange his Sovereignty to make sure both of them will live."

"So you mean...?"

"He said... If one lives... One needs to die... They can't live together in the same lifetime."

He is confuse. Chances are not his scope but he wonders how does Wave knew about that?

"Don't wonder. Once you give up your sovereignty you will still remember everything about everyone but like human, you'll be limited. You can leave us here, we'll take the higher road."

He nodded even though he is confuse he return to the hospital and decided to go to where Beam is. He is just standing there, the guy must have slept because he can't hear any voice coming from him.

The guy move and slowly opens his eyes and looks around. Their eyes lock at each other which make him confuse, don't say---he can see him?

"W--Who ar-e yo--u? Why are you in my room?"

He didn't respond immediately because he too is a bit taken a back. When he recovers from the shock, he moves slowly to where he is.

"Do you believe... I can help you?"

"He--lp me with-- w-hat?

"These past few days, you keep on calling Forth's name. I am telling this to you so you won't hope at all. If you live he needs to die. If you die he'll live."

"W-hat the h--ell are you sa--ying?"

"I can help you though. Just say it."

The guy still looks at him as if he is crazy. The guy in black saw the changes in his eyes after, why is that?

"This is probably just another dream of mine. Okay. Just tell me what you need so I can do it for you."

"I'll let him alive. Just take me after I became a human being."

"Why do I need to take you?"

"Because I don't have anyone. I pity you that's why I am helping you here, so help me in return that's the only thing I'll ask from you."

Beam thinks this is still a dream so he agreed to the guy, beside there's nothing that'll lose to him if he do so.


The guy smiles at him as he held his hand.

"Let's start."

Triage || Forth X Beam (Tee X Tae)FFWhere stories live. Discover now