♧ consequences ♧

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yoongi walked slowly through an all too familiar neighborhood.

he remembered how he used to happily come to hoseok's house to hang out and play but now there wasn't a slightest bit of happiness in him.

he hated every part of it.

yoongi looked at his phone and realised that his 30 minutes already passed but he didn't care.

he took a left turn and reached a big white house, actually, it was more like a huge mansion.

hoseok was rich and had the power to do practically anything. that made yoongi panic even more.

hoseok mentioned that he could send that video not only to the entire school but also to his parents, his extremely religious and stubborn parents.

yoongi wasn't as rich, he was actually quite poor and if his parents found out he was gay, they would throw him out. then, he wouldn't have a place to stay.

actually, no, he would.
and that would be hoseok's place.

yoongi walked up to the front gate and ringed the doorbell. the door got unlocked almost instantly.

as yoongi walked he saw maids and gardeners all around doing their work. two cars - a white bmw and a black mercedes - were parked near the gate.

he came up to the front door and knocked. the door swung open and yoongi was greeted by an angry hoseok who was leaning on the door frame.

"do you know how to use a clock?" hoseok asked, his eyes dark.

"uh, of course I do." yoongi answered and rolled his eyes.

"then tell me, why the fuck are you late?" hoseok looked right into yoongi's eyes and yoongi visibly gulped.

maybe being late was a bad idea after all.

"I was busy." yoongi scoffed.

hoseok grabbed yoongi's hand and roughly pulled him in the house. yoongi stumbled and harshly bumped into the wall.

"that hurt, you fucktard!" yoongi screamed and leaned against the wall rubbing his throbbing arm.

"stop behaving like a baby and go upstairs." hoseok said and walked away.

yoongi wanted to run away. he did not want this, any of this.

when he could no longer hear the footsteps, yoongi rushed back to the door and tried opening it. he wriggled the handle but unfortunately the door was locked.

yoongi searched for a key but then realised that this door could only be opened with hoseok's fingerprint.


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