Chapter Eight

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After denying Kody's request that I stay at his house for the seventh time, he finally conceded and instead opted to take me home.

The car ride was silent.

I was tired so I leaned against the passenger door and rested my eyes. I knew Kody wanted to say something to me but I assumed he didn't know where to start.

This was new grounds for the both of us.

He pulled up outside of Zeta Phi after a few minutes but he didn't turn his car off. "What are you doing tomorrow?" He asked softly.

I shrugged. Tomorrow was Sunday so most likely I would be doing laundry.

"I'll come get you in the morning . We need to talk."

I was tempted to say something annoying like 'we have talked' but I didn't want to stress him out anymore than he already was. He was taking this well and wasn't being an asshole so I wasn't going to bitch at him.

"Okay." I agreed reaching for the door handle. I climbed out of the car, straightening my shirt wondering if Kody had anything else to say.


I turned to look at him.

"The next time you visit the doctor, I want to be there."

My mouth went dry so I simply nodded my head before walking into the house.

Stella met me at the door.

"You're fucking Kody Vincent?" She asked with a scoff.

I rolled my eyes, I was way too tired for this. "Mind your business Stella." I walked past her, heading for the kitchen.

"This sorority is my business and it's not going to be a good look for one of us to be known as Kody's side chick."

She was jealous. Because she'd had a little crush on Kody and he thought she was crazy. More importantly she had a big crush on Jaxon and he wouldn't go near her with a five foot stick.

"You are crazy." I mumbled, pulling open the fridge. I didn't know what time it was but I knew it was past midnight. Time for a snack.

"I'm also the leader of this house." Stella was saying. I winced. Stella was cool most of the time. She just had this need to be better than everybody.

Normally we got along, because normally she was better than me. She had better grades, a better job, better clothes. She had a better family and a better upbringing.

The only problem was that guys didn't like her.

And Stella loved guys.

I think the problem was her need to control things. Guys could spot that a mile away.

She was beautiful and popular but the most dick she got was one night stands. And even those were rare.

"Stella, I'm tired. You can try and run my life in the morning." I said with a yawn. I snatched a cup of yogurt out of the fridge and made my way towards my room.

"Enjoy your sleep. We're waking up bright and early tomorrow to restore Bodley Park."

I mentally groaned. I did not want to restore some park.

"Great." I said in a fake chipper tone before walking to my room.

Macy was up texting furiously on her phone. "How'd it go?" She asked when I slammed the door shut.

I sighed falling back on my bed. "It went surprisingly okay." I said with my eyes closed.

"You gonna give me the details or do I need to take you out to dinner first?"

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