Chapter Twenty Two

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^video has absolutely nothing to do with chapter 😂😂

💀Kody Vincent💀

I smelled her.

Her scent invaded my senses and worked its way into my mind so that I dreamt of her as I slept.

I knew she was there before I woke up. I opened my eyes slowly, trying to piece together whatever information I could before I had to deal with whatever the hell happened last night.

I knew I hadn't been drinking. Hadn't been partying at all because I had business I had to tend to. I also knew I didn't have a hangover.

When I opened my eyes I was alone, lying on my couch with a throw blanket covering me.

That in itself wasn't strange.

I had been sleeping on the couch since Rory was here. Taking over my house.

She'd made me wash the sheets and pillow cases as if I was some playboy who had multiple orgies on weekends, I had obliged her because she looked sad.

Houston didn't seem to be agreeing with her.

The water was running in the kitchen, dishes were being washed. And since Rory promised she wouldn't clean up after me, I knew it was Ezra.

Taking a deep breath I raised up into the sitting position. My mouth was dry.

Ezra didn't notice me, she was too busy swaying her hips to whatever music was playing out of her earbuds.

Only an idiot would turn away from a beautiful girl swinging her hips in the morning, and I was no idiot.

Finishing the last dish, she pulled the stopper out of the sink pulling her phone out of the pocket of the hoody she was wearing.

My hoodie.

I leaned against the counter, watching as she paused the music, humming to herself.

Again I racked my brain trying to remember any detail from last night. I couldn't.

I knew we hadn't slept together because I was fully dressed.

"Where's Rory?" I asked knowing full well I was going to scare her.

She dropped the phone, spinning with a scream, her hands going up in defense. "Shit, Vincent. Scare the life out of me why don't you?"

I rubbed my temple, trying to get rid of my headache. "Maybe you shouldn't let your guard down so easily."

She mumbled something under her breath in response. "Rory's with Sin by the way. He said he's gonna kick your ass when he sees you."

I scoffed, glancing at the clock on my stove. Sin was the least of my worries. It was around eleven in the morning. "Don't you have class?" I asked pulling open the fridge and snagging a bottle of water.

"Not on Fridays. I do have to go though, so I'm happy you're awake and...okay."

I smiled. She was worried about me. "Where are you going?"

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