Chapter Twenty Three

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A/N this chapter gets a little dark.

Enjoy. ❤️❤️

Macy twirled around my new apartment, her arms stretched out wide. "This is beautiful, Ezra." She said, beaming.

I laughed. "I know. I'm so damned happy."

Jamie looked skeptical, his arms crossed. "How much are you paying a month, again?"

I rolled my eyes. Maybe I shouldn't have told anyone how much the apartment was costing me because I kept getting those looks.

First with Kody, now Jamie.

"I don't need your negativity, Jamie. Just be happy for me." I said

Macy threw her hands around me, "I'm happy for you babe. And even if this landlord demands sex from you for low rent- you can just say no. I mean you signed a lease right?"

I chuckled struggling against her attempting to get her away from me. "I did. Alright, let's go. I have to get to work."

I had a shift at Lucky's tonight and I was actually looking forward to it. Now that I was working towards furnishing my apartment I wanted to make as much money as possible.

Jamie grabbed Macy's hand, tugging her away from me. "You know babe, now that Ezra's out of that house, you don't really have an excuse for staying."

Macy rolled her eyes. "Jamie, do you really want to have this argument again? I told you- when people live together, they grow to hate each other."

He scratched his head. "You lived with Ezra for almost two years."

She shrugged. "And how many fist fights did we get into?"

It was true. Macy was scrappy.

Jamie shook his head. "Okay, what about my brother and Brett?"

He had her there.

Macy tilted her head to the side. "Do you really think we love each other as much as Brett and Alan love each other?"

Doubted it.

Jamie chuckled. "Okay, you have a point. But that doesn't mean that we shouldn't live together. Ezra don't you think-"

"Oh, look at that. A poorly timed important phone call." I shook my phone in my hand. "Well, I have to take this."

I quickly walked out my front door. I didn't want to get in the middle of Jamie and Macy. And I didn't know whose side I was on.

I loved them as a couple, so of course I wanted them to take their relationship to the next level. But Macy was right. Some couples couldn't handle living together. And Macy was no picnic to live with.

When Jamie stormed out of the house, I slapped my phone against my ear.

"Yes, of course President Obama sir. I'll get right back to you."

He flipped me off.
"Guy at table seven giving you problems?" Martin asked swiveling in his chair at the bar.

I sighed. "Nothing I can't handle. Thanks though." I balanced the tray of drinks in one hand and a platter of hot wings in the other.

I was tired. I was supposed to be off already but the girl who was supposed to cover for me was running behind.

The guy at table seven was drunk, and a little too friendly but I didn't want to cause a big scene unless I needed to.

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