Chapter Thirty Nine

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Mr. Vincent had a favorite child. It was clear to everyone.

Her name was Rory.

He went out of his way to set the dinner table that night with matching plates and silverware. We were eating a feast as if thanksgiving wasn't the next day.

He was hanging off of every word she said as she told us about Houston.

"Dad, my Econ professor said his son works for you. Rafi Mueler?"

Mr. Vincent racked his brain before shaking his head. "Doesn't ring a bell. I'll have to ask around."

Aiden rolled his eyes. "Why don't you pull out the embarrassing stories about Rory?" He asked turning to his father. "Since you're such a comedian."

Mr. Vincent glared at Aiden before turning to me.

We spoke about my scholarship and my future plans. He told me a few embarassing stories about the Vincent kids that made everyone upset and I told them some of my childhood stories.

Kody glared at his plate the entire time.

About halfway through the dinner, Kody excused himself from the table and walked to his room.

Rory rolled her eyes. "He is such a buzzkill."

Mr. Vincent didn't comment.

i sighed excusing myself as well. It was obvious that my apology hadn't had the effect I had wanted.

I walked to his room, tapping lightly on his door before pushing it open. "Kody, can we talk?"

He was laid on his bed, his head resting on a pillow as he tossed a small rubber basketball into the air and caught it.

"I'm in a bad mood, Ezra. " He said calmly, still tossing the ball.

I crossed my arms. "Me too. But It's best we get this out and in the open right now. " I closed his door behind me. "You're mad because i didn't tell you about Jaxon's rumor. I apologized. Why are you still mad?"

He sent me an annoyed look. "I'm not. "

Ok, so we weren't going to be mature about this.

"Yeah, that's obvious. You've been glaring at me all day."

He glared at me now. "Ezra, I don't want to argue with you right now."

I held my stance. "Too bad. I'm in your house because you talked me into coming here. I'm not going to spend my time walking on eggshells around you."

He caught the ball, squeezing it in his hands before lifting himself into the sitting position. "fine. I'm mad becuase you didn't tell me. You apologized. I'm still mad. What more is there to talk about?"

I bit down on my temper. "Why are you still mad? I explained the situation-"

"You don't understand Ezra. After all of these months you don't understand me at all."

I opened my mouth and then closed it again, urging him to go on.

"You don't understand that I feel like it's my right to stand up for you if some guy is saying shit about you. I shouldn't have to hear about it two days later and King shouldn't have gotten to punch him."

I tilted my head trying to take all of this information in. "So you're mad at me because you couldn't punch Jaxon? Or are you mad because King punched Jaxon?"

"I'm mad because it seems like even though you're carrying my child and spending nights in my bed you don't let me do boyfriend shit for you"

I stepped back at the word. It was true, I didn't like when Kody did things that a boyfriend would normally do.

I didn't like him opening my doors or paying for my meals. I didn't want him buying me flowers or paying me compliments.

"You're not my boyfriend Kody." I hissed.

"Then what the hell am I."

I opened my mouth before closing it again because in in all honesty I didn't have answer. I was perfectly fine not putting labels on our relationship. Maybe I was the toxic one. "I'm gonna go." I mumbled turning to open the door.

He was off of the bed and in front of me so quick that I stumbled back.

"You wanted to have this conversation, Ezra. So let's have it. Because I'm sick and tired of doing this on again off again shit with you."

"I don't fucking know Kody. Are you happy with that answer? I knew having sex with with you was going to complicate things but I-"

"This doesn't have shit to do with us having sex. This has to do with you playing confused and making questions when there aren't any. We sleep together, we spend practically every day with each other. We're fucking exclusive. How does that not equal boyfriend?"

He wasn't really yelling, but the way my emotions were set up at the moment had tears springing to my eyes. I wiped at them frantically when I noticed the anger drop off of his face. I didn't need to use tears to get my way. I wasn't a child.

"I told you I didn't want a boyfriend." Hadn't I? "There's enough shit going on in my life right now Kody. I don't want to have to deal with all the shit that comes with being your girlfriend on top of that."

"I'm not Jaxon, Ezra." His voice was low now, dangerously low. "I'm sick and tired of you roping us together in your mind."

I shook my head. "I know you're not Jaxon. It's not that. I just don't want the complications. I can't handle the complications."

He grabbed my arm, pulling me against him. "Things are already complicated, so fucking complicated. You pushing me away is not going to change that."

Things were complicated.

"Kody, I'm really not trying to play games here. I thought we wanted the same things but, I'm not so sure anymore. I think I should leave."

He narrowed his eyes, before pulling back from me. "You want to go back home?"

I nodded finishing the task of detangling ourselves. "I think we both need some time to think-"

He looked alarmed. "Think here. I'll leave you alone."

Yeah right.

"I'm going to take a lyft back to the studio. When you get back we can have a conversation."

His face expression hardened and his hand clamped on my wrist, "I don't want you in the studio alone."

I sighed. Maybe I'd give him this one thing. "Fine, I'll stay with Macy. She didn't leave campus. I need time to think. You do too. We'll have a conversation on Wednesday. At the doctor's appointment. "

He sighed. "Fine. If that's what you think you need. I'll be calling Macy to confirm."

I smiled slightly, wiping my face. "Tell your dad I'm sorry about dinner."

Kody simply nodded.

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