Mission Impossible (Part 2)

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Disclaimer - esethay easiday en'tarray ymay easiday, eythay longbeay otay amesjay nerdashay...odgoay atthay *odsnay* 

A/N - So this is Part 2 of this chapter because I ran out of time and really wanted to update for you guys so I split it in two...welp here we go, into this fun little chapter... 

Also this might not be how you play this game this is just how I do it so please don't judge meeee.... 

Autumn's POV 

        I looked at who I had in front of me. Minho, Gally, Frypan and Briar... okay, I can work with that. 

        "Alright any of you shanks got any brilliant ideas?" I asked them. They scrunched up their faces like they were thinking, even though I knew half of them weren't. 

        "Do we really need 'attack plans' Autumn?" Frypan put little quotation marks around attack plans as he asked. 

        "Yes, because we need to win." I answered back like he was missing something obvious. 

        "Okay! I got something." Minho stated, he really was like a leader. Maybe he should be in charge of this team. 

        "We should split into smaller teams, one of the teams should try and sneak along the walls and in the Deadheads," he pointed to the wooded area, "and the other team should try to make their way over by the Homestead." I nodded contemplating the plan. 

        "But they'll see us right away. There isn't much cover and they'll be able to tell where we are if we just sprint into the Deadheads." 

        "Right...maybe we should just send one person to do the sneaking and let the others distract." Minho replied to me. 

        "That sounds fine to me." Frypan added to the conversation. It seemed like we had all settled on this plan. 

        "Good that. So who wants to sneak?" There was silence. "Come on guys, no one, really?" I looked at Minho and he put his arms up in a don't-look-at-me sort of way. "Fine then I'll go. But someone else needs to go be sneaky by the Homestead." 

        Briar stepped forwards, "I will. Just over there right." He asked shyly. I smiled at the greenie and nodded. 

        "Alright. Everyone knows what's going on?" I received a collection of nods, "Don't get caught, good luck." I turned to face the opposing team as Minho yelled. 

        "You shuckfaces ready?" There was a muted shut up yelled from somewhere in the Homestead and then a reply from the other team. 


        "Good that! Let's play!" 

        I ran as quickly as I could with still being quite over to the Deadheads. I hoped that the darkness would cover me, the only light supply was the bonfire and some odd light pollution with no visible source. I sprinted to one of the dying trees on the outskirts of the Deadheads, ducked behind it and turned my head to see the action. 

        I could see the silhouettes of people running towards the other team and then running back. I noticed that Newt's team had set up the objects, (they are big rocks that  I painted with glow in the dark paint...now that was an odd request) all in the middle of the field. Right out in the open...

         I nodded to myself, the plan seemed to be working. I crept deeper into the Deadheads, trying desperately not to be heard. Everything was going to plan, if the other team even knew I wasn't there I don't think they had a chance of finding me now. 

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