The Bliss

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Disclaimer - I could pretend that these characters and ideas are mine...then again I could not and just tell you that they are James Dashner's... :/ 

A/N - GUYYYYYSSSSSS!!!! MIRANDASINGS WAS SOOOO GOOD IRL AND OMG! 0-0 Thanks for waiting for me :) 

WARNING: If you haven't read any of the other books, you might want to stop now because spoilers

Briar's POV 

        Everything is wrong. I jerked in my sleep now, wincing whenever the voice would enter my head. The other Gladers didn't know, they don't understand. Autumn is bad. She is messing everything up. And that's what they keep telling me. It's relentless, speaks with no mercy, every single night. The voice itself is strange...inhuman, it's impossible to tell whether it is a man or a woman speaking, yet it doesn't sound mechanical. It rattles through my head, penetrates my thoughts. It is changing me, and I have no control over it. 

        Why would Autumn be bad? She's just like everyone else; wants to find a way out, is completely against the Creators, she's nice (ish) to everyone... So why do I feel like she's shucking bad?! My fingers pulled roughly through my hair as I awoke. The same thoughts, battling for dominance in my brain ever since I got here. It's been what...two weeks now. And every second it gets worse, I'm feeling myself slipping. I know I should be better than this, smarter than this...but it's too hard! 

        I felt the sun beat red against my closed eyelids and was forced to open them. Turning on my side and groaning as I woke myself up for another long, hard day building. I had been assigned as a Builder, great I get to work alongside that shuckface Gally almost twenty four/seven. Hoorah! 

        I sat up and looked around the Glade. There were hardly any other Gladers up yet, I noticed a few of the Runners waking up and walking towards the kitchens. I squinted to see Autumn being almost dragged by Minho... She's bad. The voice hissed in my brain and I tore my gaze away and stared at my hands, they had grown tough and calloused from working, but still remained nimble and slim. 

        Go away! I thought to myself, squeezing my eyes shut. You're supposed to be gone now! I'm awake, leave me alone! I balled up my fists and slammed them on my blanket. I could barely handle it anymore! There was just no escape... I was breaking. 

Autumn's POV 

        The 'thing' that happened with Newt, happened almost a week ago now. We didn't acknowledge it really...there was a part of me that wishes we did though... I sighed and pushed away the 'what ifs' as I packed my lunch. 

        "It's so earlyyyyy," I complained to Minho. 

        "Is it?" he shrugged, "It's not like you've been doing this for almost two shuck months now." 

     "You know what, it's still early!"  I stomped my foot in mock anger and shoved a poorly wrapped sandwich into my bag. Minho didn't respond as we fell into our normal routine. We got up, ate, got ready and ran. And that was every day for me, it seems dull, but I loved every minute of it. The adrenaline of the constant danger of the Maze is what keeps me running. 

        I nodded to Minho, bouncing on my toes as we waited for the Doors to open. It was strange if I really thought about it. The other Runners where afraid of the Maze and its uncertainty, but I lived for it. Maybe I was different because I woke up in the Maze, like some sick feeling of home. Or maybe I'm just an incredibly stupid adrenaline junkie who happens to enjoy running... 

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