The Glitch

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Disclaimer - osay isay antedway otway utpay otheranway isclamierday niay igpay atinlay, ecausebay tiay asway eallyrway unnyfay atchingway ouyay uysgay igurefay tiay utoay... hesetay deasiay elongbay otay amesjay ashnerday. 

A/N - OKAY so I'm really sorry I didn't update but I actually have a really valid reason this time. So my grandma had a stroke...yep, um and we went to spend the weekend with her in Red Deer and she had wifi but I didn't think that writing a fanfic at that time was appropriate.... (It was a long weekend if you guys were also wondering, I just got back today) 

Autumn's POV 

        I ran ahead of Minho, my feet making barely audible thuds as I flew through the stone walls. I took the turns with ease, surprised at how easily running was – considering I hadn't done it in so long. 

        "Jeez shank, if you don't slow down we'll be done by lunch." Minho panted behind me. So what did I do? I sped up. 

        "Tired?" I shouted back at him, and felt a small laugh escape me. It felt so good to run again. To feel the wind resisting me, to feel like I was actually accomplishing something...the whole ordeal just felt so shucking great! 

        "You wish!" He shouted back at me. I heard the thud of his footsteps quicken and knew he too had upped his pace. I smiled, the wind whipped my hair away from my face. I skidded around a corner, left, right, right, down a long straight, right again, left... I was sure I could run this whole section with my eyes closed if I so desired, that's how well I knew it (well actually that would probably just be me running headfirst into a wall so maybe not... ). 

        "Autumn seriously! We actually have to look for shucking changes!" Minho yelled at my back. I resisted the urge to just speed off into the winding paths and escape, instead I slowed until I was next to Minho. 

        "Why? It's not like we don't already know everything!" Minho shrugged his shoulders and gave a small frown. "The shuck Maze just repeats itself over a—" I skidded to a stop. A thought had hit me like a freight train. "Like a pattern..." I mumbled. 

        "What?" Minho had circled back to me and was breathing giant gulps of air. Thoughts ricocheted through my head, pin-balling around my brain. The Maze is like a pattern. It repeats itself. There are eight sections. Have any ever been open at the same time? Maybe the sections can be triggered. I triggered that Griever before...maybe it's something like that. Maybe we haven't found all the sections yet... no, no, we eight sections...

        "Hello?" Minho waved a hand in front of my face. I ignored it. You will not interrupt this thought now Minho! My brain flicked through possibilities. I needed to see the maps, all of them, maybe there was something we missed. Maybe we could figure it out! Minho finally got my attention by placing his sweaty hand on my face. I jumped back, surprised and slightly disgusted. 

        "What was that for?" I asked indignantly, sticking out a hip. Minho rolled his eyes at me before proceeding to knock on my head. 

        "What's going on in there that is so important that you had to just stop?" I swatted away his hand, and scrunched up my face. 

        "I had an idea —" 

"I could tell," Minho scoffed. I glared at him and he stood still, arms crossed. I gave him a very-good-job-Minho-would-you-like-an-award look before continuing to explain. 

        "So the Maze is a massive pattern, and there are eight sections. Maybe something has to be triggered in each one to open some sort of secret section or something." Minho had a questioning look on his face but still seemed to be interested. "Do you remember when...actually you weren't there. When I got stung, I made the plaque go all cold and then a Griever came and—" 

        "Hold on, you what?" Minho moved his arms around in an exasperated sort of way and I sighed. 

        "It'll be easier if I just show you." 

3rd Person POV 

        The wail or sirens and the pulsing beeps and flashing lights signalled something was wrong. And something was indeed wrong. About a dozen WICKED employee's bustled around the room, frantically tapping screens, or jotting down notes. 

        "What's she doing?!" A frustrated voice was heard amongst the chaos. The truth is; no one knows what Autumn is doing. All the screens were now focused on her and her alone, all the eyes had turned away from the Gladers and the other Runners to monitor her. The air was filled with tension as they watched. Watched as she placed a small hand on the metal plaque. As she did the alarms grew louder and the lights brighter. She pulled her hand back quickly, like something had scalded her. Except the stats read that it was she had turned it to ice.

        It was a complete mystery. There was no logical explanation. Something was either very wrong with her or she possessed something unknown and very, very dangerous. This time they observed as Subject A7 placed a hand on the rusted metal, nothing happened. He turned to Autumn, a confused look on his face. She said nothing just took his hand in hers and placed it on the plaque. Everything in the room intensified, even the silence. Then all at once everything was gone. The images from the screens, the piercing sirens, even the lights.

        There were startled cries and complaints from the staff at the event. There was a low groan as the backup generator's kicked in and the room was washed with a red light. One image flickered back onto a screen. It was Autumn. Her auburn hair cascaded around her tanned face, an entertained smile splayed  across her face. 

Autumn's POV 

        The rest of the time in the Maze had been silent. Thoughts and ideas chased away any possible conversations between Minho and I. Nothing strange seemed to have happened...when we had gotten back to the Map Room I looked over some maps, but there were so many and I was could wait until tomorrow. 

        I walked to Frypan's kitchen and sat down next to Newt. 

"We got a new Greenie." He spoke. 

        "What's his name?" I asked. 


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