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Disclaimer - My brain barely has the capability to walk and not spill water all over myself, do you really think these characters and ideas are mine...no, they are James Dashners 


Newt's POV 

        She's supposed to be back! Where was she?! My heart was beating fast as I ran from door to door, all around the Glade. What happened? Minho was lingering by the West Door, he had gotten back and asked me if Autumn had returned. She hadn't, she still hadn't. 

        I chewed my fingernails, looking out into the menacing Maze. It looked so unbelievably ominous in the dimming light, all I could imagine was the worst. A Griever got her, she was her stupid, clumsy, adorable self and tripped and bashed her head in, anything could've happened to her! 

        "Newt!" Minho yelled, I stopped pacing abruptly and sprinted over to where Minho was. He was walking, almost jogging towards the Door....they were beginning to close. She was too late. I bit my lip, until I saw it. I saw her. She flung herself through the outstretched spikes and collapsed. 

        "Autumn!" I sprinted over to her, Minho is tow. She was conscious, I could see the heavy breaths shake and vibrate through her whole body. I reached her side in a matter of seconds...just as the heavy slam signified the Doors had shut for the night. That was too close.

        I kneeled down next to her, the rough ground digging into my unprotected knees.

        "Autumn," I spoke softly, placing a hand on her shoulders. They were ice cold. She should be hot, she looks like she just ran two bloody marathons! Why the shuck was she cold?!  

          "Mmmmm," she groaned a reply before turning her head to look at me and Minho. I saw the sweat glisten on her forehead, which was scrunched into a thousand little wrinkles. 

        "What did you shucking do?" Minho asked plopping down next to me. She shook her head and turned over so she was laying on her back. Her breaths still caused her entire body to move upwards in giant movements. 

        "Give me a minute." She laid her head back against the concrete floor of the Glade and closed her eyes, body calling for more oxygen. 

Autumn's POV 

        I could feel every single muscle tense and (unwillingly) release as I breathed. I didn't even know I had these muscles, much less that they could hurt so much! God...what even happened? I contemplated how I would explain to Newt and Minho what had happened, I didn't even know. How the shuck did they expect me to explain it to them? 

        I could feel there presences hovering over me and I opened one eye to look up at them. They both stumbled back awkwardly and I smiled internally, (Too much muscle use and I could not have that!). 

        "What bloody happened?" 

        "Stuff happened." 

        "What kind of shucking stuff?" 

        "The shuck kind." 


        "That's my name, yes..." 

        What had happened? It was like the strange, almost unfinished look had triggered some memories. Except I couldn't escape them...it was like when I got stung but worse. So much worse... It was hard to describe, like something was controlling my brain other than me and that's really not a fun feeling. 

        I sighed and sat up, wincing at the small movement. I noticed Newt had made to move forwards but stopped himself, sitting back on his heels. I had to bite my lip to hide the inevitable smile that was creeping onto my face. 

        "I will shucking sit on you if you don't explain." Minho stated simply and I forced a painful laugh. 

        "Of course you would." 

        "Are you saying that —" 

        "Not really the bloody time." Newt cut Minho off and grabbed my hand, entwining his fingers with mine. It was so familiar... Just like in my memory. 

        "Autumn, just tell us what happened. Please." I looked into his brown eyes, which were laced with concern and nodded. 

        "Memories happened." Neither of them spoke so I took that as my cue to continue. "Well I was running my normal route, but there was this corridor that was all grey and didn't have ivy or anything. So naturally I was curious and once I stepped foot into it...I don't know. It was like they just hit me." I shrugged, not really knowing what else to say. 

        "Uh..." Newt paused as if making sure the route he was about to take was safe. He still hadn't let go of my hand, not that I was complaining... Wait, what? "Can you tell us what you remember?" I stared at our hands, they fit together perfectly...like they had been doing it for an eternity. My mind flashed back to the memory of us as younger kids, strolling down the deserted street, hand in hand. 

        "I shucking remembered you." I mumbled under my breath, not daring to look up.  

        "Well...I'll just leave you two lovebirds for a while..."  I heard footsteps retreating away and I glared at Minho as he smiled, turned, then sprinted away. Minho had left and that just left me and Newt. Newt...the boy I was here because of. Why don't I remember you?! My mind burned and screamed, tearing apart every single bit of my salvageable memories. If you were so important, why the hell did I erase you?! I felt the urge to tug on my hair in desperation but I didn't dare take my hand out of his. 

        "W-what do you mean?" He asked nervously, scooting closer to me. It was so familiar, this was home, he was... 

        "You and me. We knew each other...really well." I looked at our hands again, fighting the urge to lean against him. 

        "Actually...I think I know what you mean..." 

A/N - Also sorry this one is shorter and CLIFFHANGER MUHAHAHAHA! 

Guys should I change the title of the story to something that actually relates to it? 


The Glitch (Newt || The Maze Runner Fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora