【19】Girl Time

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When I woke up again, it was daylight, and the events of the night quickly invaded my mind

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When I woke up again, it was daylight, and the events of the night quickly invaded my mind. Thankfully, a roaring headache kept me distracted from them. As I got out of my room, I spotted Tamika, who had just come out of hers. It was around eleven, and we made our way to the kitchen, with splitting headaches and sore limbs. My body was brutally reminding me I was slowly approaching my late twenties and it couldn't handle hangovers the way it used to. My roommate seemed to be handling it better than me though, even if she still wasn't her usual dynamic self.

After a breakfast composed of toasts and aspirins, Tammy insisted we went out to get some fresh air. As much as I wanted to slouch on the couch and never move again, I was quick to agree, knowing it would be an efficient cure. She suggested we go to the farmers' market a few blocks from our place. After her quick shower, we exited our building, with comfy clothes and sunglasses, slowly making our way to the weekly market.

Walking in the fresh air and sun had an excellent effect on me. Either that or the aspirins were kicking in. Also, the distraction was great. Tammy had had the brilliant idea to take the trolley dolly, and we bought a few things. Fresh veggies and fruits, a roasted chicken, an assortment of dry fruits for the morning mueslis... I paid for a red and orange bouquet to decorate our living room.

As we'd done on the way there, I was in charge of pulling the groceries, since Tammy needed both her hands to tell me about a fun anecdote involving her, Kat, and Dakota. Once home, and after we'd put everything away, I left Tammy, who had Skype calls to make, and went to my room to work on my project.

My body wasn't cooperating, and my mind was constantly drifting. It was particularly hard to focus, with too many thoughts occupying my brain. First, there had been the kiss with Oli, and I still wasn't sure what to think of it. I'd been slightly drunk, and I couldn't trust that the mild sensations I'd felt or the things I'd thought were legitimate. We'd have to try again, I guessed, but sober this time. Also, regardless of how enjoyable kissing my ginger friend had proven to be, there was the fact that I'd masturbated to the thought of my boss. Who even does that?!

After three hours of fastidious yet unsatisfying work, I decided I needed a new battery of tests to move forward. I launched the building of the app, with the various settings I needed, and joined Tammy in the living room, for a quick episode of Friends.

I had nothing against it, but Ross always got on my nerves, and I never could watch the whole thing. Living with Tamika, I finally had the opportunity to learn more about the famous show. It was now clear that Chandler made up for Ross's annoying personality.

My computer let out a loud notification, alerting me that the process was done, so I returned to my room. I loaded the app on my Samsung and on an old iPhone, which I'd gotten from my mom, before rejoining Tammy again.

"Could you give me a hand for my project?" I asked her. She nodded, pressing pause on the remote, and I smiled. "Great! I'm going to need to paint your nails before we start, though."

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