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By Thursday, I was quite proud of the amazing progress I'd made thanks to Oli, and at lunch break, I took a moment to show him the app

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By Thursday, I was quite proud of the amazing progress I'd made thanks to Oli, and at lunch break, I took a moment to show him the app. He was quite impressed with the work I'd done, and he explained to me they had tried to do a similar app a few years ago. Apparently, they had given up on it after they had reached an impasse when it came to hand movement recognition. He thought my technique with nail polish was quite smart, but not exactly usable in the long term. However, he did agree that with better servers with the ability to compile and compute more data, recognizing the hands' gestures shouldn't be a problem any longer.

He insisted on seeing a bit of the code I'd come up with, and after a scarce examination of them, he found a few ways to improve some scripts. In half an hour of sharing my project, I was already realizing the advantages of working with other people on it.

"You should really show it to Lex," he said. "He was really involved the first time around when we tried and failed to do what you did. He'll lose his mind when he sees how well you've done on your own, and you can be sure he's never going to treat you like a newbie after that."

The idea of showing my arrogant boss what I was capable of was incredibly tempting. I wasn't one to brag or show off, but giving the pretentious genius the proof that I was as good as him, if not maybe even better for this project, in particular, would most definitely feel great. Even though nearly a month had passed, I still wasn't over the way he'd treated me upon our first encounter. Or rather, the second one, but that elevator moment we'd had didn't count. He'd treated me as a fraud, thinking I must be lying about nailing his test because I didn't look the part.

I knew we were on some kind of truce and wanting to put him back in his place was wrong, but I couldn't help it. Even though he'd apologized, I was still pretty confident he was an ass. We all had bad days, but from what I'd seen, he had more of those than the average human. And anyway, it didn't justify his despicable behavior toward me since I had started working here.

Luckily, my superior and I barely ever crossed paths. He was often out on meetings, and when he wasn't, he was locked in his office for most of the day. When he came down to the Troll's Lair, it usually was to help someone with a problem, and we ignored each other. I tried my hardest not to look at him, but if our eyes accidentally met, we'd just nod coldly and resume whatever we were doing.

Ever since my wet dream this weekend, I dreaded each of our encounters. I couldn't help but think about his dreamed dick pressing against my entrance, his warm mouth pleasing me... Fuck, I'd ended up daydreaming about it a few times, absentmindedly staring at him when he was downstairs with us. He'd caught me as I'd been reliving that awfully steamy fantasy once, and the shame that had invaded me had turned my face poppy red. Mason, who caught everything, had immediately guessed what had happened to me, and he'd teased me about it a few times since.

Being constantly reminded that I found my boss attractive was frankly unfair. It was frustrating to not be able to chase away those unwanted thoughts. That was the reason why I avoided the man like the plague. It probably wasn't a very healthy boss-employee relationship, but strategically, it made sense. If we didn't interact, we wouldn't argue, or I wouldn't get horny, and it was all the justification I needed.

The Desire Variable - Vol. IWhere stories live. Discover now