【47】Walk of so Much Shame

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Disoriented, thirsty, and hot, I regained consciousness, startled

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Disoriented, thirsty, and hot, I regained consciousness, startled. I was having a hard time remembering where I was. Those weren't my sheets, this wasn't my room, and the massive body pressed against me was confusing as fuck.

All at once, the memory of the evening before hit me. I was in Lex's apartment, in his bed, and we'd had sex for a substantial part of the night. The deed was finally done. I had fucked Alexander, and now I would be free to resume my life without the constant lust and tension.

From the massive windows, I could see it was still night, as only the moon's faint glow entered the room. Shit, I'd fallen asleep. Still foggy, I did a quick assessment of the situation. I was naked, but I remembered going to bed with a robe. Oh, right, I'd discarded it during the night because the belt was uncomfortable. Lex was naked as well, despite the shorts he'd slipped on last night. Just like I'd considered it, he may have been expecting more sex to occur at some point.

I remained unmoving for a few seconds, secretly enjoying the moment. I was half-turned on my stomach, and he was pressed on my back, part of his weight resting on me. A girl could get used to waking up like this.

Careful not to wake him up, I turned around to face him, which kind of felt like a game of body mikado. Despite the poor lighting, I looked at him sleeping. He seemed so serene, so calm, that he looked like a different person. Awake, he always seemed tense or severe, but right now, the perpetual crest between his brows was gone and the line of his mouth was relaxed. His hair was a mess, and I was almost tempted to brush them with my fingers. But I wouldn't take the risk of waking him up.

For one, I didn't want him to get me into another session, as I was pretty confident my chocha needed at least a week to recover as it was. Secondly, it wasn't your casual one-night stand, and we couldn't be further from dating. I'd fucked my boss, and I most certainly wasn't staying for breakfast and cuddles.

Slow but steady, I maneuvered my way out of his embrace, impressed by how heavy his sleep was. As I untangled myself from his hold, he barely moved. After the night we'd had, it was no wonder he was exhausted. I quietly wriggled to the edge of the bed, and painfully sat up, my feet on the floor.

Ouch, I would feel him there for a long time. My core was sore and sensitive, while the tendons on the inside of my thighs were particularly tender, not used to being stretched for that long.

I noticed a tall glass of water placed on the nightstand on my side of the bed, and I immediately reached for it to quench my thirst. The water felt incredible on my parched throat, and I downed it in a blink. Once the glass was empty, I settled it back on the nightstand and glimpsed at the sleeping form behind me, thankful he had left the glass for me.

My whole body felt sticky, like I needed about two showers to clean all of this off. Even with the warm towel Lex had gotten for me, my intimacy needed a good scrub.

Making sure my legs wouldn't give under me, I stood up. When I heard him move under the sheets behind me, I froze where I stood. Very slowly, I turned around, worried he had woken up. To my great relief, he was still deeply asleep and was now lying on his back. He seemed more tanned with the light gray sheets. The cover was low on his abdomen, and I admired the shapes of his shoulders, arms, and torso. A shallow and superficial wave of pride invaded me. I, Andrea Walker, had been the center of such a man's attention. Lucky, lucky me...

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