【87】Unexpected Confession

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To my slight disappointment, my plan to surprise Lex by suddenly appearing on his doorstep was compromised by the very rigorous concierge in the entrance hall of his building

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To my slight disappointment, my plan to surprise Lex by suddenly appearing on his doorstep was compromised by the very rigorous concierge in the entrance hall of his building. I had seen him before, but only on my way out. I'd never actually entered the place via the hall, and it made sense to me that such a place didn't allow just anyone in.

Still, I hoped that being right here would be a surprise.

Adding to my unexpected presence, I came bearing gifts. I had ordered on my way to Seattle a couple of pizzas from a place near here Lex had told me about, and I had picked them up five minutes ago. The appetizing smell coming from the boxes was making me drool. I also had a pack of German beers, and a bundle of biscuits, some from my mom's jar, and the rest from what I'd baked with Kate.

It was a little after seven, which meant the evening was still young enough for us to spend some quality time together.

As the concierge and I waited in silence for Lex to answer his intercom, I started to overthink, as usual. Originally, we were supposed to spend the weekend together, and I wanted to spend as much time as I could with him. But what if he didn't like my little surprise? Lex didn't strike me as someone who enjoyed the unexpected. He liked to plan things, and me rolling in unannounced was not planned.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when the man before me spoke. With the intercom over his ear, he straightened up as if Lex could see him. "Mr. Coleman. I have someone here for you, who wishes to come up."

There was a moment of silence, and I vaguely heard Lex's muffled answer as he asked who it was. The concierge gave me an uneasy look, and I nodded encouragingly, hoping he would say the line I had asked him to say.

"Well, she insisted on me presenting her with 'the fun has arrived,' sir."

My stupid joke made me smile, and when I distinctively heard Lex's laugh, my grin widened. He then said something I couldn't make out, and the concierge nodded. "All right, sir. I shall add Miss Walker to your list, and next time she'll be allowed to come up without consulting with you."

Although this surprised me greatly, it also reassured me. There, I'd gotten my confirmation that doing this was okay. Lex didn't seem to mind my impulsiveness, on the contrary. He was even okay with me suddenly appearing on his doorstep, which was huge for so many reasons.

It meant he was comfortable enough to allow me in like this, which seemed important to him. Although I hated my brain for going in this direction, it also meant he wasn't worried about me catching him with someone else. That knowledge felt both amazing and powerful.

We were the real deal. This wasn't just a passing fling. We were in love.

Damn, I sound like a bad Telenovela...

On my way up to his floor, I reminded myself what I'd decided during the car ride back to Seattle. From everything I'd seen, Lex wasn't very in tune with his feelings, and while I was almost certain he was in love with me, I had to accept the fact he might not even know it yet. And even if he did, I had no right to force it out of him. He had to accept it and express it on his own terms, at his own pace. It had to come from him.

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