Chapter 7

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An hour ago:

"What are we going to do? Alpha is going to kill us."

"Shut up, I'm thinking."

"Alright, you two go find those brats while the rest of us stay here and guard this place."

"Got it, Boss"

The two rouges shifted and ran into the woods, ready to find the two children who luckily ran away from the pack.

Emma woke up to the sound of growling. She looked up to find the sight of Dylan's butt in her face. She turned to the side to find two rouges growling at us.

'Dylan, what's wrong?'

'Stay behind me.'

That was all he said before he growled at the rouges.

One of the rouges shifted back towards his human self, naked. Dylan growled and Emma closed her eyes, already scarred for life.

After a few minutes, Emma opened her eyes once again. Thankfully, the man was wearing a pair of shorts.

"Now you little brats, we could do this the easy way or the hard way"

Dylan growled as a sign of his response, making the man chuckle.

"The fun way it is."

The rouge pounced on Dylan, commencing the fight. Dylan, too busy fighting, didn't notice the human making his way towards Emma.

"So, you're the brat whose brother was visiting."

"It was so fun to watch his mate die in front of our eyes. And don't worry, your brother is dead too."

Emma froze up, those words repeating in her mind.


"That's all I remember," I said as I scratched my neck nervously.

"Wait, do you mean you don't remember what happened after that?"

"I do," Dylan said, gaining all of our attention.

"You were awesome. You jumped on the rouge and bit his head off."

"That's disgusting."

"Disgusting, but awesome."

"After that, you jumped on the rouge fighting me and scratched his neck, immediately killing him."

"How come you never told me that?" I asked curiously.

"Because you were thirteen. I knew that you would freak out over killing somebody" Dylan said as he scratched the back fo his neck.

"That's what I don't get."

Hunter spoke up, gaining all of our attention. He turned to face Dylan and me and asked,

"How did you shift when you were thirteen?"

"I'm a white wolf," I said proudly.

"No way."


"My mate's a white wolf," Hunter said proudly as he threw his arm around my waist, again.

"She's my sister."

"But she's my mate."

"Who did you save?" Amy asked, interrupting the little fight between Sam and Hunter.

The Alpha's White Wolf {Editing} Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon