Chapter 17

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"LIER! YOU ARE NOT MY FATHER AND MY NAME SURE ISN'T LUKE! NOW, WHY DID YOU KILL MY FATHER?!" Dylan yelled, his voice booming with rage.

However, the rouge only rolled his eyes, as if he was expecting this type of behaviour before asking,

"Your mother's name is Pearl, your 'father's' name is Darren and your name is Dylan, although I told your mother we should have named you Luke." He said, muttered the last part while using air quotes around the word 'father'.

"Anyone would know that," Dylan growled.

"Your birthday is on the twentieth of February, you love apples to the fact that you can't go a day without eating at least five, and you're best friend is Emma Lee Jones, the Beta's daughter, whom I'm surprised is alive." He said, sounding genuinely shocked at the end as he glanced towards my direction.

Hunter's grip around my waist tightened as he mentioned my name and he let out a low growl, which could only be heard by Sam and I. However, Dylan growled once more before repeating the question once again,

"How do you know that?"

"As I said before, I'm your father."

"LIER!" Dylan yelled, his grip around the rouge's throat tightening.

"Did I forget to mention, I know where your mother is?"

Dylan's grip loosened until his hand was no longer around the rouge's neck. He stared at the rouge in shock, as all of us did.

The luna? Alive?

Luna Pearl was one of the kindest people on earth. She would spend at least an hour around the pack, gathering all the women, including my mom to help with the planting of the trees.

She would also take the children of the pack, including Dylan and I towards the orphanage where we would spend time with the kids and make friends. That's where we met Liam as his parents died when he was a kid. Though, his parents were werewolves so Alpha Darren welcomed him into the pack with opened arms.

And last but not least, she was the only woman in the pack who wouldn't get annoyed by our pranks. She would even join us sometimes and gave us tips to improve. 

And to think she might actually be alive?

Could my mother be alive too?

My thoughts were soon interrupted as Darius walked in front of us, towards the alpha household with Dylan following him. I turned to both Sam and Hunter who both nodded before dismissing the warriors and following behind Dylan.

And it seemed like, Darius was quite popular with other rouges as Liam gave him a big hug when we entered.

"Uncle Darius!"

"Kiddo," Darius chuckled as he ruffled his hair, "I said you had to take less than a day. What have you been doing here?"

"I kinda feel asleep," Liam said nervously as if he was afraid of how Darius would react. Although Darius only laughed before shaking his head and saying,

"Don't worry, I fell asleep too. This is why I didn't come earlier."

Liam smiled before hugging Darius once more, surprising him. Unfortunately, Dylan gave Darius no time to react as he pushed the two away from each other before facing Darius.

"Just tell us what you know about my mother."

Darius sighed as he took a seat in one of the couches, the rest of us following. Everyone sat next to their mates while Dylan sat alone, his eyes staring straight at Darius, who was right in front of him. I had Liam sit next to me as I was worried he would fall asleep any second.

Suddenly, Darrius's expression changed and his happy, jokingly expression was now gone and was replaced with a serious expression.

"It all started when---

"Are we interrupting anything?" Sarah asked as she came into the living room, behind her Lisa, John, Lillian, and Herold.

"We better not be--

Lillian stopped talking as her eyes landed on Darius. She gasped in shock before poking Herold in the side and pointing at Darius, who has just turned around to see Lillian and Herold.






Lisa smacked John at the back of the head before ushering him to take a seat on one of the couches. I heard him mutter a few unpleasant words before sitting on the couch in silence and watching the drama.

"Darrius, how are you alive?" Harold asked, looking at the rouge in shock.

"It's a long story, Harold." Darrius sighed as he rubbed his forehead, before taking a glance at Dylan.

"Darren told everyone you were dead?" Lillian questioned, as she stared at Darius.

"I know he did."

"Is he-Is he dead?" Lillian asked as he glanced at Dylan.


Silence filled the room as Lillian and Herold stared at Darius, their eyes holding so many questions yet were not sure if it were the right time.

"Darrius, what happened?"

Darrius then looked up from the floor, his eyes dark as night, meaning he was being controlled by his wolf.

"My name is Herey, Darrius's wolf. He will be back in a moment. I want to take this time to explain how I'm here."

"Please, Lillian, Herold sit. This is a long, long story." Herey said as he gestured towards the last empty couch.

Lillian and Herold took their seat, their eyes never leaving the rouge. He sighed and looked around the room before staring at Dylan, who Sarah was sitting next to.

"How do you-How do you know my father?" Dylan asked.

Herey chuckled before he looked straight into the eyes of Dylan, deadly serious and said,

"Don't ever call your uncle your father, because he sure in hell isn't one."

"Wait, so you' re--

"I'm Darius Johnson, the supposed to be alpha of the Midnight Pack and twin brother to Darren Johnson, who is your uncle as I am your father."

We all stared at Darrius in silence, not expecting such news. I glanced at Dylan, to see how he would be taking the news to find him squeezing Sarah's hand while staring directly at Darrius.

"Tell us your story."

"Well, it all started when it was our turn to guard the pack,"

The Alpha's White Wolf {Editing} Where stories live. Discover now