Chapter 17

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I stood inside a dimly lit room with a large pool of water in the center. The walls of it were white marble and there were soothing violet lights inside, bouncing majestically off the ripples of water. Through the large circular windows, starlight glimmered inside like a gentle nightlight. This room was very calming.

Trish had gone to find me some clothes. She said my garments were a little too "old fashioned" and she was definitely being kind when she said that.

Xan had entered a small changing room near the pool. Neron had explained that the water in the pool was rich in minerals and healing enzymes, which was why it was necessary to expose your body to it as much as possible. A short period of time in this oasis was enough to expedite the body's recovery process by 10x faster, but it was only possible by also allowing the mind to shut down as well.

"You need to be able to shut out all distractions," he added. "If your mind can't rest neither can your body. In which case, healing enzymes and minerals mean nothing. The mind needs recovery in order to heal the rest of you."

I nodded in understanding as Xan exited the room wearing only his undergarments. I felt myself blush, catching a glimpse of his tight exposed chest. My cheeks burned and I quickly averted my gaze.

He walked past me and I kept my eyes out the window to the galaxy outside.

He laughed. "I don't even need to touch you to know what your feeling," he snickered and I shot him a nasty scowl.

"Play nice, kids," Neron mocked as Xan walked over to the marble stairs to lead him into the pool.

Neron walked over to the edge of the water and motioned for me to follow. He seemed to love informing me of this galaxy and its ways. It was nice, considering I understood nothing and him being so forthcoming helped bridge the gap.

Xan submerged himself in the water and then laid back, beginning to float serenely.

Neron explained that this would help his body calm and accept the nourishment.

"This water is a warm 40 degrees Celsius," he said with a proud grin.  "Go ahead, touch it," he said to me insistently.

I looked at it with hesitation. Was it safe for me to touch?  How did I know I wouldn't have some reaction to it.

"It will be fine, Aeris," Xan added, eyes closed and relaxed. I hadn't realized he was even paying attention.

"Based on another one of your "hypothesis?" I grumbled.

His peaceful expression was interrupted by a smug smile.

"You're alive aren't you?" He chuckled to which I only sighed. He wasn't wrong.

I slowly skimmed my fingers along the surface of the water.  It was smooth and warm.  Even just touching this pool brought forth a strong feeling of relaxation.

"Wow," I murmured as Neron laughed.

"Pretty nice, ain't it Earthling?"

I nodded in agreement.

Xan peeked one eye open and sighed.  "If you two don't mind, I'd like to actually get some recovery here and a little privacy would be nice."

I blushed again, feeling out of place.

Neron just laughed. "Alright princess, we will leave you be." He wrapped his arm around me and lead me out the door where Trish was waiting for me excitedly.

"I have so many cute things for you!" She exclaimed happily.

Before Neron could even say a word, she had my hand and was dragging me down the hall. A few doors down, we entered the resting area where Xan had been before. I hadn't noticed earlier, but there were several more doors. Trish pulled me into one that held a much more luxurious bed shaped like a puffy oval.

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