Chapter 28

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"Xan, no," Neron warned, placing his hand on Xan's shoulder. 

Xan didn't calm.  His eyes still raged with a fire that could have incinerated this being in his place.

The being tightened his grasp on me and I could feel my head growing fuzzy.

"No," I muttered, feeling myself slipping into another episode.

The being suddenly tensed, frozen as the hair on his arms stood on end.

"What is this energy?" He gasped when suddenly I thrusted my elbow into his stomach with all my might, surprising him enough to to break free.

I hurried to Xan who pulled me behind him protectively while Neron and Trish  circled around me as well.

"Hey!" The boom of a voice seemed to shake the whole bar and I found its owner standing up next to the red liquid.  He was a Torian with a shaved head, but he was about 3 times the size of an average man.  He was built like a body builder and he grunted aggressively as he tore the mask off his face.

His muscles seemed to twitch with constructing veins, like the blood was pumping through them faster than normal. The whites of his eyes were tainted by aggressive purple blood vessels. He gave a hard slap to the shoulders of the men he was between; two more monstrous Torians with the same build and bloodshot eyes.

"Looks like the boss needs us," he growled as the other 2 stood to join him, cracking their necks and grunting.

"Boss?" Trish exclaimed, looking at the spliced Torian. He was burly and strong as well, but not like the other 3. It did seem like a strange division of power.

"Look at the splice he chose," Neron informed. "This guy's a hunter.  He's able to track down anything in this galaxy. They need him more than he needs them."

"You're damn right I can," he snorted as the large Torians hurried over to join him.  They seemed jumpy and hyped, most likely the effects of the intensifier they had been inhaling.  Little streaks of electricity radiated across their skin, like lightning bolts in a storm cloud. The intensifier seemed to enhance their aggressive traits which did not bode well for us.

The bartender, a lanky Belan man, sighed and leaned on the bar dully.

"Grear," he scolded monotonously to the spliced Torian. "What did I tell you about starting trouble in my bar?"

Grear grabbed the glass on the bar full of a ruby liquid and downed it quickly before throwing the empty vessel on the ground.  The shatter drew an evil smile on his face as he looked at the bartender.  "It's not trouble, Parker.  I'm simply welcoming our new guests."

He crossed his arms and looked at his comrades.  "Boys," he murmured as they growled and fidgeted excitedly. "Get 'em!"

In a flash, they descended, the first one grabbing Xan by the neck and slamming him against the bar, his arms crackling with bolts of electrical current.

Xan's face seemed pained as he struggled to break from the being's grasp, but to no avail.

Neron was facing off against the other Torian while the last one dove for me!

Before he could reach me, he seemed to be frozen.  His face twisted in confused rage as he tried to move, but not a single appendage would budge.

I turned to find Trish, straining to hold him with her hand out stretched.  This was her Ceres power.

"Calm down," she struggled to mouth to me and I knew she could sense my weakness. My head felt dizzy in the panic and my temperature was rising again. I had to stay in control to keep it from getting worse.

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