Chapter 24

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His eyes looked into mine apologetically as he stepped away from me and tapped his wristband.  From it a hologram appeared of a Torian man's face. His expression was stern, with dark ash colored hair and thick eyebrows. 

"Commander," Xan acknowledged in a stoic voice.

The man appeared annoyed.  "Agent 17, what is going on with your investigation? I haven't heard from you since you were heading to Valrox to follow a potential connection on what happened to G7P4.  What is your update?"

Xan walked away, sure to remove me from sight of his superior officer, but not far enough for me to be unable to hear.

"I discovered an illegal organism trafficking system operating out of Valrox.  There seems to be connections to Biocorp, but none of the evidence connects directly with what happened to the Ancient Planet.  I encountered a group of vigilantes who have some information that I believe may provide some clarity."

The man in the hologram arched his eyebrow.  "Vigilantes? Are you talking about Neron?" There was a tone of disgust in his voice.

"In the flesh," Neron grinned, walking up next to Xan and making sure he was in view as well. Trish came to my side and placed a hand on my shoulder supportively. 

I could see the man seething with rage. "You have a lot of nerve, Neron! What you have cost the empire with your betrayal is incalculable. Where have you taken Being 23?"

Trish flinched. Being 23 must have been what they called her when they held her captive.

Neron smirked.  "You know it's the darndest thing, she ran off on me too. Women..."

Trish smiled, comforted by his protection.

Commander Lark on the other hand did not look quite as amused.

"Tell me why I shouldn't have Agent 17 arrest you right now?"

Neron crossed his arms and gave the commander a smug grin.  "Because I've got a pretty solid lead where you might be able to find this Interplanetary Terrorist before they strike again."

Commander Lark scowled at him.  "And just how did someone as lowly as you find this info?"

Neron glared. "You don't really think I haven't been investigating this, do you? Just because I left your dictatorship doesn't mean I ever stopped doing the job, which I was pretty damn good at. You really think every time we collect a bounty, I don't use that as an opportunity for interrogations and information collecting?" 

His eyes flashed knowingly. "I know more about what's going on in this galaxy than your whipped intel dogs. Someone destroyed the Ancient Planet and we need to stop it from happening again."

Xan just stood by and watched the two tensely bicker. His eyes drew to me and I just gave him a sad smile. Reality had found us and Xan was not free to do as he pleased, it was clear now.

"Alright Neron, are you going to share this vital information?"

Neron shrugged. "Maybe, for a small fee."

The commander's jaw dropped. "You are in no position to negotiate!"

"Aren't I, though?" He answered cooly to which the commander slammed his fist down in rage, eyes ablaze in red.

He stared at Neron with a clenched jaw until he finally asked though gritted teeth, "What do you want?"

Neron smiled, pleased with the question. "I thought you'd never asked," he chuckled.  "I want my record wiped clean and you stop looking for Being 23."

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