6: Shake It Off

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Taylor Says: "People can say whatever they want about us at any time and we cannot control that. The only thing we can control is our reaction to it. And I figure that we have two options: You can either let it get to you, let it change you. Let it make you bitter or not trust people. Option two, is you just shake it off."

Message: She danced to forget him.

"Do you have anything in that brain of yours?" Katy scoffs as I finish my song.

I had just played 'All You Had To Do Was Stay' for Mr. Keller's class. I had written it a few weeks ago and it just so happens he wanted us to write something that would make him feel what you were feeling. Thankfully, Harry was out today.

"Excuse me?" I scoff.

"That song didn't make anyone feel anything. The only thing I felt was the stench of desperateness."

I clench my jaw. She was serious?

"Now Katy I think that was a little harsh." Mr. Keller stands from my usual seat.

"I object. The song was just her way of trying to get her old boyfriend back. Face it Taylor, he left you."

I don't say anything. The rule of not saying anything unless it's nice, is getting really hard to follow right now.

"That's enough Katy. You want to settle this? You settle this like a musician. Due next class, a song. Any kind, your decision."

"That gives us three days!" Katy screeches.

"Mrs. Swift?" Mr. Keller looks at me. "Sir?"

"How long did it take you to write that song?"

"A few hours." I mumble.

"See if it can take, desperate Taylor here, a few hours to write a song, then I assume this is nothing for you Katy." Mr. Keller clasps his hands together, eyeing her.

"Yes sir." Katy rolls her eyes.

The bell rings.

"Class dismissed."

I start to put my guitar away in it's case.

Before I walk out, I stop at Mr. Keller's podium.

"Thank you."

"Don't make me regret it." He states before walking over to the window.

"I won't."


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